Scared to Death

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     "Ouch!" Regina howled, hitting the ground hard and throwing her head back in pain. She had bruises and scratches all along her face, they littered her back and legs. "I can't do this anymore, Mana!"

Mana, at the same time, had just been hit by her own obstacle, sending her flying--and crashing--into the harsh fence of the coliseum they'd been subjected to.
When everyone had been teleported to their 'game,' Regina and Mana had been teleported right away into a battle arena. It was in the shape of a circle, large and round, and daunting in size. The ceiling was high, you couldn't see the top; it seemed to go on forever. There was wire fence surrounding the place, giving it an eerie sense. The walls and floor were made out of a dark, grey, metallic, stone. Not to mention the floor was slightly foggy, clogging up their eyes, making it more difficult to lay eyes on the target.

The moment they had entered the place, Regina sensed something off. The place was reaping and and crawling with a sinister magical energy. This sent a chill down Regina's spine. Yet, despite her obvious distaste for the place, Mana didn't sense anything off--it was as if the arena was reacting to Regina's own magical power.

"Regina!" Mana called out, a hint of fear and desperation clinging onto her voice, the tone pooling deep into Regina's stomach. "Please, hang in there,"
The pair were fighting endless, upon endless creatures of different descents. There were dark ooze monsters that resembled spiders, others resembled octopi. They were generating from the outside of the arena, seeping their way through the wire and making their way center stage. They had glowing red eyes, Regina's favorite color (it would be kind of pretty if it weren't so horrifying, she thinks). It seemed like the battle had drawn out forever, and with each minute, the monsters seemed to be getting stronger, and stronger.

Regina was wore out, her head ached, and she only continued to lift her body on the promise that she'd be able to go home. The Spear of Light did not seem to work for her anymore. The usual golden, shining tip of the spear now dull, and lackluster. Mana was laying on the ground, propped up on the fence surrounded the court: her blonde hair unruly in this form, her pink outfit stained and ripped up(not that Regina's red one was any better) and her Heart Arrow was abandoned in the middle of the place, just waiting to be snatched by one of those hideous monsters.

Regina gathered enough strength to lift her head, and prop her self up with her arms, albeit weakly. She could barely recognize her own voice anymore, it came out raspy and dehydrated, but still she mustered out, "Mana, are you okay?"

"Yup, doing just fine." Mana stated, her voice sounding burned out as well, and yet, she pealed herself off the fence, and made her way over to Regina. Just suddenly, though, a dark energy monster in the form of an octopus, reached out its slithery, slimy tentacle to hook itself onto Mana's leg. Mana screamed, and it swept her off her feet until she was dangling in the air, upside down.

Regina's eyes widened in fear, and as quick as she could, she scrambled to her feet, picking up the spear on the way. The tension in the air was thick and heavy, Regina needed to make a move, and fast. But, what could she do with her powers quickly depleting and the Spear of Light not working anymore? Regina felt hopeless, weak, just as she had when she allowed her father to take advantage of her once again; she never wanted to hurt her friends like that again.

Her face scrunched up in fear watching Mana struggle helplessly against the grip of the monster, she looked like she had given up too, her eyes squeezing tight.

"Mana, I.." Regina's mind was scattered with thoughts. Should she attack anyway, and hope for the best? No, she was too tired and she ran the risk of getting them both captured. Should she evade, and try to find an exit herself? No, she wouldn't leave Mana again. How could Mana, the leader, the love, the hope, the joy of the Pretty Cures, how could she have just, given up like that? Regina felt her eyes start to sting, as well as the familiar sensation of tears forming. She was crying. All she could do as her friend was being captured, was cry.

"I-I'm sorry," she choked through her sobs. "Mana, I don't know what to do.."

This seemed to only make the beast stronger. The octopus-looking beast seemed to increase in size, as its eyes glowed bright in the dimly lit room. It dangled Mana even higher.

"My powers, they're gone. I can't fly, I can't teleport. I can't do anything, I am so worthless!" Regina shouted, her voice wavering, echoing in the arena. Her hands pulling her long, blonde hair. She was tugging at it as the tears ran down her face. It really wasn't a good look on her.

"Regina," Mana whispered from where she was being held by the monster. "You aren't worthless; please, believe in yourself." she muttered, the love still pouring from her heart.

Believe in herself? What did Regina believe in? Well, she believed justice, she believe in her friends, Mana, good hair products, and quality. She took a minute to reflect, and none of them were herself, she thought.
She looked back at Mana, through tear stained eyes, who was being thrown around by the octopus. Nobody else was here to rescue her, to rescue them. She was here, she had to do something. Regina didn't care if that involved sacrificing herself. If Mana believed in her, she could do anything.

Like a blessing, she felt a surge of her blatant magical power returning. It flowed through her body, the feeling was like nicotine as the energy reached the tip of her spear; it lit up once again.

Regina smirked as she felt her feet leave the ground, and she wielded the spear to sprint and chop off the beast's tentacle that was seizing Mana. In one fell motion, she caught Mana mid-air and gently placed her back on the ground.

"Sorry about that, I don't know what got into me." Regina fondly exclaimed, feeling a bit disappointed in herself. Mana grinned back, pushing herself up with her hands.

Standing side by side, Regina's confidence seemed to be overflowing. But, Mana's Heart Arrow was still on the ground, far out of reach; and blocked by the barbarian's mass.

Regina gripped her spear tight, pointing it directly at the octopus, who seemed to shrink, and weaken when she did. She used the Spear's gifts to penetrate a hole right through it. Bits of the dark mud substance splattered everywhere, and it left an opening for Mana to go rush for her arrow.

As soon as the arrow was in her possession, Mana's power levels started exceeding. Regina could feel it. She decided to help Mana out and buy more time by distracting the beast. She engaged in battle with it, throwing punches and kicks where ever she could, and stabbing it with light prisms where she couldn't.
Suddenly, on the other side of the villain, Mana looked more pumped up than ever.

"My name is Cure Heart, and for my friend, Regina, I will finish you!" she pulled the arrow on the bow, letting the force concentrate. "Pretty Cure Heart Shoot!" she shouts, and lets go. The arrow goes speeding as fast as light into the giant octopus, killing it on impact.

She felt a rush of relief, as she scurried over and jumped straight into her arms. Mana wrapped her arms around Regina too, smiling and spinning her around, fondly. They stayed their for a minute, enjoying each other's embrace.

"You did it, Mana." Regina smiles, giggles escape her lips.

Mana grins back. "We both did it."

Regina's expression falters for a minute, in ponderation. Mana seems to notice.

"Hey, what's wrong?" she questions, her voice soft and tender.

"Um, well, I really messed up today," Regina says, looking down, avoiding eye contact.

"Hey, it's okay! We all make mistakes sometimes." Mana affirmed.

"But, I-"

"No buts, okay? Just remember that your feelings are natural and valid. We all have off-days." Mana chuckles, and pulls Regina back into a hug. Regina wraps her arms around Mana's waist and burrows her face into Mana's shoulder. She could live with this.

Thus, their game was completed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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