Jay (2)

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I am SO sorry for the long wait. School was a pain, this chapter was a pain, and my brain was a pain. 

Gah, I probably shouldn't have centered this entire thing around Child's Play, which I haven't seen in AGES. But.... Kid!Morro was too cute to resist. 

But still... whew, get ready for a whopper of a chapter people because it's a WHOPPER! 

I don't like it, it doesn't have the same flow that the previous chapters do, but I've kept y'all waiting long enough....


Jay's questions--which had grown exponentially in just a couple of seconds(who was that ghost? Why could Jay see him when he wasn't wearing his goggles? WhAt WaS GoInG oN?!?!)--unfortunately had to wait.

Because almost the moment that Jay made the startling discovery that he could now see ghosts without the aid of technology, he and his friends were approached by a couple of cops, who believed that they were the ones who stole the sarcophagus.

Ok, Jay knew that the Ninjago City police department often got a bad rep, but this was ridiculous. How on earth could four kids not only lift that heavy thing, but carry it for as far as they did?!

But the policemen could not be convinced otherwise. And things only grew worse when Kai tried to Spinjitzu his way out of this mess, only to come to the realization that they were now too small to do the ancient technique.

So they all decided that the best course of action was to go with the policemen back to the museum and apologize for something that wasn't even their fault.

Where was the justice in this world, again?

Thankfully, they were able to give the cops the slip by hiding within a large tour group full of kids. They were also able to find some new clothes to further hide their identity.

Jay was just fixing his newly acquired hat so that it fit snugly over his head when Cole suddenly grabbed him by the arm and started dragging him away from the group. "You two go on ahead," he called over his shoulder towards Kai and Zane. "Jay and I will catch up."

The black ninja pulled Jay around a corner into the men's restroom before abruptly turning towards him, a serious look on his face(which, admittedly, looked extremely adorable).

"Look," he said before Jay could ask any of his questions. "I know you probably have a lot of questions--and I will answer them, don't worry--but first I need to you to answer one of mine."

Jay nodded, a little confused but willing to comply if it meant he got answers.

"At any time during last night--or yesterday for that matter--do you remember getting hurt, immediately followed by the worst headache you've ever experienced?"

Jay's eyebrows furrowed, both by the weird question and because he was trying to remember. "Uh....oh! During the fight at the museum! I think one of the Serpentine ot a lucky cut on my arm! But then it felt like my head was about to burst, so I thought maybe I was poisoned, but I was just fine after a couple of minutes, so--"

"Which arm?" Cole interrupted.

"Uh, my left one."

"Mind if I see?"

Jay rolled his eyes even as he complied. "Geez, even when you're a kid, you're still such a mom."

Jay rolled up his sleeve, and gasped when he saw the long, skinny diagonal slash mark on his upper arm. The mark shone a dull green in the light.

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