pick up lines!

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Interesting fact, kissing burns 6.4 calories a minute.

Wanna workout?


guy: would you be my pencil?

girl: um i guess, but why?

guy: oh because you are the one who can erase my past and write my future


Guy: "Did you know that 15 minutes of sex burns off the calories gained by eating one chocolate?"

*hands girl box of chocolates*

Girl: "Awww, interesting, but why give me the entire box?

Guy: "Eat the whole thing - I have plans for you tonight"



I'd fake blindness to touch you inappropriately.


How about you sit on my lap and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up!


You can be Mcdonalds and i will be Burgerking ill have it my way and you will be lovin it!


If you were beer, I'd be an alcoholic.


I'm not photographer, but I can picture me, and you together.


If you were a transformer, you would be a hottobot and your name would be optimus fine!


is your name WIFI? Because am feeling a connection


Stop being rude and start being nude.


Boy: Hey, can you help me look for something? Something fell.

Girl: Sure, what fell?

Boy: My zipper.


Roses are red

Violets are blue

Now take your pants off

Or I can do it for you


Did you fart? Because you just blew me away!


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