(That is what Harmless dragon used to look like... but then he died🙁)

I quietly sat up and over to my back-pack I grabbed a pair of black yoga tights, a blue tank-top and a pair of black vans.

I tip toed out of the cabin and ran into the woods

Tanners pov

I slowly sat up and slipped on a pair of jeans and a blue T-shirt and then slipped on a pair of black vans. I looked over at the door to see a note on the door.

"Boys!" I yelled causing all ofmthem to jolt awake and walk over to me. Everyone but Calvin looked confused, He was just smirking.

"So, uh Calvin why with you explain what this is?" I said to him

"Elina placed it their last night, I cought her when I came back in from getting some air. When I cought her she just smiled and put a finger to her mouth telling me net to say anything. Just think. Why would she do this Tanner?" He said

"What would she have done to do this?" He said again.

Still confused at his question.

"My god! She's trying to make it up to you!"

"Will you just open it already!?" BB shouted

I playfully glared at him and opened it...

Dear all boys I know in this cabin, now When you see this I want you to take you time. I better not find out that you where in wolf form! Don't go to the girls cabin! I have sent them on a different quest, on a different trail. Now when you reach the different colored notes I want you to carefully put them in your pockets. When you do reach them do not open them, give Ronnie the note, you reach a yellow rusty gate where the girls will be blind folded and waiting. You will also see Ronnie. Now, with your colored notes are matching blind folds. Calvin, you will have the green card and matching blind fold. BB, you will have a yellow card and a matching bandana. Bryan, you will have a purple card and matching bandana. Now last but will never be least, Tanner, you will have a favorite color, you will have a maroon card and matching bandana.

Love, elina p.s if I find out that you killed or hurt Ronnie in anyway... I WILL SHOW NO MERCY! Have fun boys!

I read out loud to them. They just stood their shocked. Damn, my mate is good at playing games.

"What are we waiting for let's go!" I shouted they all nodded then started getting changed into different clothes. Once they where done we left.

"Hey, Tanner! Letter 1!" Calvin shouted

I grabbed the note and opend it...

If you are reading this right now that means you have reached letter 1. Now make a slight turn right and keep going until you find 2.

I started walking until we reached another letter...

Yay, letter 3 keep walking forward until you reach 4.

I nodded and continued walking forward. We then reached the colored notes and bandanas. I looked at the boys and nodded

We grabbed them and carefully placed them in our pockets as instructed, hey I mean what can I say. If I open them now I will most likely get an ice bucket for not listening. We continuednwalking until I saw all of the girls in blind folds.

I saw another kid, he was about 19, I'd say.

"Letters and bandanas, please?" He asked

I handed my over and he opend it. He looked up and smiled.

"You must be Tanner, im Ronnie. Elina told me to give you V.I.P treatment!" He said taking the other notes and reading them. I wonder what they said.

"Can we see what the notes say?" BB asked peering over Ronnies shoulder only to be smacked away.

"So sorry, but this is confidential information" he said smirking. "Now what im going to do is the everyone's hands together in a line so we don't lose anyone" he said grabbing paracord out of his pocket. He gently slipped it on everyone and then slipped blind folds on us. And lightly jerked it telling us to walk.

Elina's pov

I was gently feeding northern dancer, and Sunday silence, the colts

"Come on, you gotta eat N.D. You to S.S" (N.D= Northern dancer. S.S= Sunday silence)

He moved his head slowly towards the bottle and started sucking on it.

I mentally fist bumped in the air. After about 5 minutes he was done, so I moved to the next colt. When I was done with them I grabbed their halters. They where leather  with a peice of gold metal that had their initials caved into.  I carefully slipped them on them. They are still getting used to them. Also today they finally get to go k to the round pen.

"Were here!" Ronnie yelled.

"Good, im in the colts stall!" I yelled back. Not long after that, they came into view. I lightly laughed at tanners face. He looked so confused and slightly annoyed. I walked over to him and lightly kissed him. I didn't take long for him to get over the shock and kiss back. After a few seconds I pulled away. And took off his bandana. Sams with everybody else's, and untied their hands.

"Explore have fun!" I yelled "rules, no riding a horse unless you have someone with you, such as me or ronnie. Girls you stick with me and boys you stick together. And Tanner behave please. Don't wonder off!" I said to them. They all nodded but wondered to the foals. They all heard them Winnie and walked over.

"These are my boys. Sunday silence, and northern dancer. They are H.Ds boys" I said to them. Tanners face immediately softened when he looked in my direction.

"Who wants to see them run?" I asked them, they all raised there hands. "Calvin, go get the lead ropes off of the stall that is 3 stalls down, please?" He just nodded, grabbed them and brought them over. I slipped the lead ropes and there halters and opend the door. I handed the lead ropes that was clipped onto S.S and handed it to Claire.

She greatfully took it and and started walking when I did. When we reached the field we walked them in and unclipped there lead ropes. They both immediately took off running at impossible speeds.

"Ronnie!" I screamed and he came sprinting out.

"Look at them go... there running at impossible speeds! Just like there..." I trailed off. That's when I realized something.

I ran over to the end of the fence ignoring everyone's confused looks. I looked into the field, seeing our fastest horse ever owned. Her name was earthquake theif. I jumped over the fence and hopped on her back, yup that's right im going bare back. I opend the fence and immediately urged her into a gallop. Catching up the the foals. The look of aww and shock was evident on everyone's faces, well other than Ronnie and Tanner. Ronnie was the first to notice, he then nudged Tanner in the ribs telling him to look.

He looked over to see me just passing him. I moved her closer to the fence and grabbed Claire's arm and pulling her on the horses back while she was still galloping.

"whoo!" I yelled as Claire just laughed

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