Hopeful or hopeless?

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The sequel to the last vid is up there. Enjoy crying your heart out.

Todoroki POV

I watch Izuku as he smiles at me, about to jump off the bridge. I don't know when I started running. But I did.
"IZUKU!" I scream. He starts falling, falling, falling. I reach out to grab him. I swipe at his hand but...I miss.
So I did the only thing I could. I jumped after him. In a swan dive position I caught him pretty quickly. I grab onto him and activate my ice. We slide down smoothly and I glide over to land. I'm holding him so his head is on my shoulder. My shirt is wet from his tears. I sit him down under a tree and hold his hand till he calms down. He looks at me with dead eyes.
"Todoroki." He says. I look back at him. "Yes?"
"Stop saving my ass and let me die. You wanna help me? Well help me and a ton of other people by letting me die."
Ok I'm sick of it. I grab his shoulders and make him face me.
"Ok Izuku Midoriya listen up. I'm never ever letting you die. If that means that I get hurt so be it. If that means I have to stay awake to watch you constantly well fine! But I am NOT letting you kill yourself. Ok!? Not going to happen!"
His eyes start to tear up.
"T-Todoroki I'm sorry. I know you care and love me but I just don't understand why. I'm worse then what Kacchan says I am. He's been blunt about it. I used to not care about what he said but after I got into UA and I've been so useless in training. At the USJ I was so useless. I've never been much help. So why let me take up space?" His face is wet with tears. I just hold him tightly. Afraid to let go, afraid that he might fade. But also to comfort him. He needs it and I want to help this fluffy bunny. I really do.

Deku POV.

"So can we go to your house and talk?" Todoroki asks me. I nod and start to stand. He doesn't let go of my hand but I give him a small smile.
"Don't worry I'm not going anywhere. I'm to tired." He sighs and looks at me. "I know but it makes me feel better to." I look at the ground and we start walking.
He's most likely going to want to search the house for all my blades. When he finds them what is he going to do with all of them? Will I have any to cut my food with? I never use those in case of contamination. But would he take them? What if he takes my butter knives? No even he wouldn't do that. They are harmless. Ugh this is going to suck. I'm going to be stressed about this to. Wait.. IS HE GOING TO TELL ALL MIGHT?! Or Aizawa?! What will they do?! Will Aizawa expell me!? All Might will be disappointed. I'm going be such a failure in his eyes. What will I do!?

"Midoriya if you don't want me to tell All Might or Aizawa that's fine. But you have to promise not to try to kill yourself or harm yourself ever again. Ok?" Todoroki says.
"W-was I mumbling again? I'm sorry I still do that." I look down not answering his request hoping he won't notice. But he does.
"So do we have a deal?" I look at him and say,
"I'll try." He nods and replys, "that's all I ask"

Time hippy hop

When we get to my house it's unlocked. That expected. We go to my living room and sit down.
"So can you tell me what you meant earlier when you said you're fine by yourself?" He asked. I look at him and sigh.
"My mom passed away a while ago. She was working and there was an active shooter. Before any Herod or police arrive...they got her and a few kids. She passed away in the hospital. I asked the doctors not to tell the news that she passed. And they agreed." I feel my eyes water again just thinking of her.
Todoroki hugs me tightly. "I'm so sorry Izuku. I had no idea." I nod silently. We stay there for a few moments.
"Can you show me your arms please. I know you have blades but I would like to treat your arms first." At first I think about resisting. But he is giving me his all to help. Shouldn't I at least cooperat? I roll up my sleeves slowly and stop. The bandages are bloody and I don't want to open them. Todoroki looks at me and noticed I hesitated.
"Can I help?" He asked. I nod and close my eyes. He slowly unrolls my bandages on my left arm. He gasps quitely. He then undoes the right arm. He runs he fingers across the scars slowly.
"Midoriya wha-why? Why don't you stop at will. Why does this happen to you?" He asked shakily. I shrug. "Roll of the dice I guess." He hugs me again. "Don't cut. Please. It hurts so much to see you like this. Please don't cut." I nod slowly. But he doesn't notice my fingers crossed behind my back.

Heyooo wat up! I know this chapter is boring and super cliche but oh well. I hope you are enjoying the book, and I love getting suggestions. Thanks so much for being here! Ily and stay strong. Ok? Thanks!

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