Beginning of the end

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There was a knock at the door along with a ring of the doorbell. Then, the door was opened by an average height, brown haired, chocolate brown eyed, man laughing at his phone.

“Hold on! Hold on! Kendall is funny as”- the young man couldn’t finish his sentence for the image in front of him. His husband was dressed in a plaid mini-skirt, a skin-tight button-up shirt, a plaid tie, stockings, and high-heels. All topped off with girl make-up (including red lipstick) and a wig that matches the shorter man’s hair color.

“Like what you see?” the cross-dressed shorter man asked his now drooling husband in the girly-est voice he could make. The slightly taller- pale man just nodded and kept staring in awe at his cross-dressed husband.

“Well… are you gonna let this sexy girl in or what?” the shorter man asked, trying to stay in character. His husband just nodded again and moved to the side to let the shorter man in, closing the door behind them. The shorter of the two sat on a stool and crossed his legs like a lady in his mini-skirt.

“C-C-Carlos…?” Logan asked the guy or lady that sat across from him.

“Yes Lowgin?” Carlos answered in his still girly voice.

Logan never replied, he just stood there, blushing and drooling. He was obviously thinking of all kinds of dirty things to do to the sight in front of him. This caused Carlos to smirk and feel a bit proud as he watched his husband’s boxers form a tent.

            You see, Logan’s birthday had just passed and as a gift, Carlos brought them back to the place that started it all. The beach-house they lived in on their first honeymoon. Because in just a few days, their twelve-year anniversary was coming. Right outside was the same very sand that the two stood in and extracted their fangs to venomize (mate) with each other. This is not your average pop star-turned-gay couple, Logan is a vampire and Carlos is a werewolf. They had to mate if they ever hoped of having children or even dream of getting completely lost in pleasure during sex. They were too different. A simple bite or scratch from one of them to the other could be fatal so they had to mate if they were serious about their relationship. But these days, Carlos is wondering if they ever should’ve mated at all…

            “Logan…?” Carlos asked at his husband who was starting to space out and then, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Logan busted out into a laughing fit. This hurt Carlos a bit so he huffed and said, “What the hell is so funny?” still in his girl voice. Logan then walked over to Carlos and eyed him over before laughing more and pointing at the skirt, “this!!” he exclaimed. “I know you were gonna cross-dress today but…” then he started laughing harder. Carlos began to wonder if this was a bad idea. He felt so stupid and ashamed. He did this, letting Camille put him through girly hell, to try to turn his husband on after a mutual agreement that he could do so and this was the thanks he got? Carlos has had just about enough. “Shut Up!” Carlos shouted at Logan. Logan shut his mouth instantly, noticing that he’s hurt his husband’s feelings. “I’m sorry baby. Its just” – Logan busted out laughing one last time and then shut up as Carlos glided over to him and gripped his nuts through the boxers. “I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Carlos shouted in his girly voice again as Logan moaned and wiggled under his touch. As Logan’s knees got weak and he fell on the couch, Carlos straddled Logan’s lap in his girl outfit and whispered seductively in his lover’s ear, “You’ve been a very, very bad boy Logan…” Logan just gasped and nodded softly, almost afraid to answer, “Wh-What are you gonna make me do?” he asked shyly. Carlos was enjoying this, scaring his husband. But he wasn’t a bad person. He grabbed Logan’s shirt and forced Logan to follow him into their master suit bedroom. “you, are to do absolutely nothing but moan and scream in pleasure until its time to make me wet…” Carlos demanded as he pushed his husband onto the bed. “I didn’t go through girly HELL just to have you laugh at me!” Carlos yelled as he grabbed some handcuffs and tied Logan’s hands to the headboard, “When I let you go, you will use lube to make me wet and then you will fuck me like im your little Bitch! Do I make myself clear!?” Logan nodded rapidly, in response as Carlos gripped his crotch.

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