The Snapping Point

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Trigger warning (suicidal/homicidal thoughts. Cheating, depression, fighting)


            “Damnit Logan just answer your phone please!? I I need to know you’re okay our kids are wondering what happened. God, I’m gonna lose my fucking mind if I don’t hear from you. I thought you at least cared enough to have the decency to text me and say, “Oh hey I’m a fucking live!!!” Carlos ranted through his cell phone before hanging up and gripping his own hair, falling down to the floor against the wall and breaking down into tears. He hated this. It’s been four weeks since the day Lucy came back and Logan ran away and three since he’s talked to Logan when they both agreed to no longer be involved with Lucy. But here he is again, all alone, taking care of the kids. Carlos sits there sobbing for thirty minutes before crying silently for hours. By the time he stops, the kids have all gotten up and started getting ready for school. He tries to pull his best, I’m happy because it’s a new day, face as he hunts a mountain lion for those of his kids that were more wolf. “Michael, Lola, Breakfast!!!!” he yells and his pups come running into the kitchen, sharing the lion with each other. Carlos proceeds to the fridge to grab three quarts of blood, pouring one quart into a cup at a time, “Kylie, Austin, Bella!! Food,” he yells and before he can blink, they’ve all taken their cups. Another half hour passes by and all the kids are off to school. No sooner than Carlos sits down on his bed, he gets a text.

Logan: I’m fine, calm your nuts. I need my space.

Carlos decides to reply instantly before it’s too late: where r u? y u no talk?

Logan: been tied up. Lucky you got reply now. Don’t worry about me.

Carlos was suddenly back into tears and angrier than ever: Lucky?? We no together on our anniversary in 4 yrs!!!! Tha hell????

All Logan responded with was: ik, srry. Gotta go.

            Something erupted in Carlos and he was furious. Why him? What the hell did he ever do to deserve this? Why didn’t Logan seem so care? Well he did but he seemed busy. Why is he busy at 7:30 am? And then it hit him. His life was more fucked up then ever. Lucy was always awake between 7 and 8:30 every single morning. No. he can’t be. He’s not there with her right now. He said he wouldn’t. ew! What if she actually had him tied up!? Oh my fucking god! He’s not cheating on you Carlos. He loves you. He’d never put you through this again. Not again. He promised. Impossible right? Carlos fought internally to calm himself down before deciding he needed proof. Yeah. He needed proof. He packed a small bag with cameras and chargers and money and shorts. He was gonna do his own investigation.


            “What are you doing?” a tired Lucy asks laying in bed next to a Logan who managed to end the conversation just before his mistress woke up and curled into him. “Nothing,” he responded, trying his best to sound innocent. “I don’t believe you…” she said plainly. “I checked my phone… Carlos left a message at the middle of the night freaking out and I had to let him know I was okay. He’s a sensitive creature. He needs to know I’m alive even if he can’t see me. Oh, and you made us miss our anniversary so now I’m in really deep shit. Another argument to be settled by sex I guess,” Logan said, finishing with a sigh. “I told you not to contact him. Now he’s probably suspicious. You’ve gotten really bad at sneaking around Logan…” Lucy said with a yawn as she curled into his side. “Oh I’m sorry I actually care about the man I married your highness. I didn’t mean to upset you!” Logan responds with sarcasm, internally laughing at how fucked up he is, “You are very, very lucky I still have feelings for you. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here.” Lucy giggled quietly, “Don’t forget the amazing sex I had to give you in order to keep you here…” Logan just nodded and ran his fingers through her hair. Sometimes, he’d rather not have a heart than to deal with the hell he pays for hurting Carlos but he can’t help that he loves women and Lucy might just be his woman. He wants to just choose one or the other but he just can’t.

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