A New Year

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JB, Mark, Jackson, Park Jinyoung, Choi Youngjae, BamBam, and Kim Yugyeom were unbelievably loyal. During the last year of middle school the seven boys had managed to form a bond based on the fact that they would be attending the same highschool, promising to be there for one another the next year. None of them had expected to gain such a prodigious reputation, but seven attractive young men practically conjoined at the hip was something that the entire student body fawned over. No matter how sociable Kim Yugyeom and BamBam were, the closeness of the friends intimidated their admirers. Alternatively, that could be caused by their chic spokesperson, JB. Jaebum just seemed too normal a name to call the untouchable young man.

Now, entering their softmore year, things would be different. With schedules that would be more packed, and work that would be harder, they set aside time for each other. Strutting up to the building Jackson groaned in annoyance, having already been at school every afternoon for pre-season. "I gotta spend my whole damn day here now?" "This ain't it?" His friend BamBam egged him on, as always. "THIS AIN'T IT." "When did chief call?" "He been called!" Mark laughed at the banter, shoving his hands into his pants pockets. Catching sight of the boy, known for his chill demeanor, girls flocked to the side of the school building, giving the seven boys a clear route through the hallway. Shy, they wanted to be noticed, but didn't at the same time. Of course the boys didn't socialize exclusively to one another. There was Youngjae, who was friendly with almost every girl in school, young women being enamored with his voice. Once he'd infiltrated a particular friend group was when he met her. (Y/N). The two of them had spoken from time to time, as their classmate was well-known and well-liked among their schoolmates. She was obviously pretty, just not attractive, y'know. (Y/N) was the type of girl who looked good, but just didn't attract people to her. Funny and charming however, Youngjae found himself crushing on her after a few meetings. Over the summer the two shared their class schedules with one another to find out that they'd share a homeroom this year. His friends, of course, noticed his excitement, but he assured them that it was just for band to start again.

Walking to class together, Jinyoung was first to leave the group and enter his classroom, pausing for a second to watch him go in, he was greeted enthusiastically by his teacher. Jinyoung was a scholar, achieving perfect grades year round, of course the teacher that got him would be ecstatic. Next was Youngjae, walking into his room (Y/N) was already there. Walking up behind her, Youngjae covered her eyes with his hands. "Guess who~" he chimed, which was met with "Whaaaaa??" "Guess~!" He encouraged with a laugh. "Lmao," she said aloud. "How do you actually laugh like 'ha ha ha'" she mocked. "She got up and turned around with a smile. "Hi, Youngjae." As she sat ontop of her desk, he took a seat next to her. They made small talk until class started, what they did this summer, what class they had next, yadda yadda. He debated asking her to eat lunch with him and his friends, but he was interrupted by the start of class. At the end of class she slung her bag over one shoulder and walked towards the door quicker than he anticipated. He ran to catch up to her and called her name. Swinging around, her bag hit him in the stomach. Laughing, she apologized. "What's up?" She asked once she'd calmed back down. "I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch with my friends and I on the roof. It's a nice day out so Mark wanted to eat outside. Wanna come? For today, at least. They're a little weird so you might get a overwhelmed." "Lol, You're a little weird too. Sure though." With that she left not only the room, but Youngjae's heart pounding.

Youngjae arrived early to the roof, scared that she wouldn't know what side to go on. He knew that Jackson would make sure to get him something to eat if he didn't see him in the lunch line. Soon enough Youngjae heard yelling near the entrance to the rooftop. "What did you say?! What did you say?!" BamBam backed up into the lunch space, JB threatening him with a laugh. Three of their other friends followed behind them with laughs. Youngjae peeked behind them, wondering if (Y/N) would be there, only to not see her. Dejectedly he looked down, wondering if she would break her promise. Noticing his face, BamBam said "Our youngest will be here soon." In an attempt to redirect JB's attention. "Oh! Right!" Youngjae exclaimed, not even noticing that Yugyeom wasn't present. He was only a few months younger than the others, but he would've been in a lower grade since his birthday is late in the year. When the door to the rooftop opened everyone turned around, ready to scold the boy since apparently he tripped UP the stairs. Raising their voices they shocked the girl who was standing there. After awhile they noticed that they had the wrong person and either turned around embarrassed, or laughing their asses off. Blushing, Youngjae explained that he'd invited her to eat with them. For the majority of the time she just sort of sat there and watched, laughing occasionally. Suddenly the door swung open and the group, not as quick to yell this time, was met with Yugyeom. "I'M HAPPY." he exclaimed. As he was being scolded he assured his friends that he was ok, shyly apologizing. When he noticed the newcomer, he interrupted to ask who she was. A sociable young man, he immediately jumped into a conversation with her. Rather social herself, the two of them got on well immediately. Intrigued with her, he made sure that she was included in every conversation. The group shared laughs and joked around as if they'd known each other for more than just 40 minutes.

Youngjae wasn't able to see her again for the rest of the day, but she ended up having a couple of classes with JB, Jinyoung, Jackson, and Yugyeom. Remembering what her last period was, Youngjae waited for her to get out of class. Seeing how well she got along with his best friends, he had decided to ask her out, thinking that things would go well afterward. Snapping him out of his thoughts, she exited the room, and with Yugyeom. "Hey guys.." Youngjae asked somewhat in shock. After being greeted back he asked to be alone with (Y/N), only to be met with whining. "But why~! I wanna stay! I like (Y/N)!" Jokingly and with a smile she pushed Yugyeom away. "Get out of here!" He made a weird noise and left, leaving Youngjae alone with her. "You guys got pretty close." Youngjae commented, though it came out more disappointed than he'd hoped. Quickly, he tried to rectify the situation. "I mean- It's just because you're a really good student, and Yugyeom's a class clown, y'know." "I wouldn't call him a class clown, I mean, he makes sure he's seen but he quiets down." "Oh." The pair was met with an awkward silence, both of them looking everywhere except for at the other person. "So, did you have something you wanted to talk about?" (Y/N) asked with a tilt of her head. "Right! So! I was wondering if you wanted to go homecoming with me.." "Homecoming's weeks away?" "I know! It's..just me trying to ask you out.." "Oh." Slightly discouraged by her response, Youngjae made sure to keep smiling. "I mean-! Yeah, sure." "I'm so happy!" He'd expected rejection after her reaction, but was now ecstatic. Taking her hand the two of them left school together, attracting the attention of their peers as they went, however, the first person to notice was Yugyeom. He'd planned to just jump right back out when they were done talking, but he hadn't expected his friend's sudden confession. When (Y/N) responded with "Oh." He was filled with so much hope, only for his heart to drop afterwards. It twisted in pain. He didn't end up jumping back out once they were done. Yugyeom just held his chest and sunk to the floor, not sure why he was feeling this way.

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