Chapter 2: The Choice

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Abigail frowned. Who were the other people he was talking about? I guess it doesn't really matter. She didn't intend on taking the offer.

But, still, she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be a legend. She had always hoped that was where she would end up. But... to actually be a legend, to know that was where she would end up, was amazing.

"Hey, AI lady... uh... Gideon! That's your name! Can I leave?" Abigail asked.

"I'm afraid not, I've been instructed not to let you leave, until Captain Hunter comes back," Gideon said.

"Ugh, damn him," Abigail groaned.

Abigail sighed and sat back, and thought about her options. Why should she do this? Sure it would be nice to feel legendary for once, but she was useless. Except for her powers, but her powers didn't make her feel useful, they just made her feel like even more of a burden to everyone around her.

She sighed thinking about it. At least this way she would actually make a difference before she died. She nodded knowing her decision. She smiled and laid back, waiting for Rip to come back.


Abigail had nodded off, and woke up at the sound of the door opening. She saw Rip come in.

"Hello Ms. Evans have you made your decision?" Rip asked.

"How long was I asleep!?" Abigail asked in shock. It hadn't felt that long.

"How on earth would I know? I haven't been in here," Rip said.

"Yeah, about this whole mission thing, I'm calling complete bullshit. What is the real reason you want to bring Vandal Savage down?" Abigail asked.

Rip looked conflicted, before saying, "I'm telling you this, because you are... of a different manner than most of the people that will be joining us. If they knew the truth, half of them wouldn't come on this mission. Because it doesn't effect them. Savage killed my wife and son."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Okay then. I'm on board," Abigail nodded.

Rip nodded and said, "You can't tell anyone. I need everyone to join the mission, and I figured out the best strategy to get them to come with me."

"And this was the best one. Lying to them about everything?" Abigail asked.

"Yes," Rip said like it was obvious.

Abigail laughed, and said, "how did you come to that conclusion, what if they see through you like I did?"

"Well, you're a lot smarter than most of them and the ones that are smart, want to believe what I told them," Rip shrugged.

"Okay then," Abigail shrugged.

"They will be arriving in a few minutes, so feel free to roam the ship," Rip took the cuff off of her, before heading into his office.

Abigail headed to the bridge looking around in amazement, "wow," she whispered. She walked over to Rip's office.

"Yes?" Rip asked, looking a bit annoyed.

"I'm bored. You have a lot of stuff here," Abigail remarked.

"I picked them up from different time periods I went to," Rip shrugged.

"Oh, cool, like souvenirs," Abigail smiled.

"I suppose," Rip said. "There are other places to go on the ship."

"Yeah, but you're the only person to talk to," Abigail said.

Rip rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Hey, you were the one who brought me on here without any entertainment," Abigail shrugged.

"Captain the rest of the team is here," Gideon said.

"Oh thank god," Rip said.

"Am I that annoying?" Abigail asked.

"Yes," Rip said, walking out.

"Oh," Abigail said quietly. She wasn't trying to be annoying she was just bored.


She was in the bridge leaning on one of the console when she heard people start to come in.

"Who the hell is this chick?" A man with a gruff voice, that Abigail recognized as Mick Rory.

"Oh, uh, my name's Abigail, or Abi," She looked around at everyone, starting to get very self-conscious. She looked like trash next to the other two women in the room. 

She was wearing a slightly oversized grey sweatshirt, and leggings. 

The other women were wearing stylish clothing, which just made her feel worse about herself. 

Not to mention she hadn't had time to style her hair out of her usual messiness like she usually did. And she was in between hair colors right now, so her hair was it's boring dull brown.

"Um, Ms. Evans is another recruit, who I had to bring on the ship earlier, due to... complications with her abduction," Rip said, Abigail looking at him with slightly pleading eyes, begging him not to say the real reason she had to come on the ship early. 

"Uh, yeah," Abigail smiled. "Nice to meet you all I guess."

"Yeah, nice to meet you too. I'm Sara," The blond lady, Sara said, smiling lightly, sensing her uncomfortableness.

Abigail smiled back, barely listening as Rip told them to sit down and where they were going. She was in a sea of her own thoughts. Basically it was all, why am I doing this again? I'm useless.

She did hear Rip mumble, "-and bleeding from the eyeballs."

"I'm sorry what!?" Kendra yelled.

He didn't answer as they took off, the ship shaking violently, waking one of the men up, who started freaking out.

Abigail shook her head, not bothering to involve herself, closing her eyes as they time-jumped.

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