Ch 5: Unconscious

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"Just, just hang on." Jax told her carrying Abigail to the medbay following Gideons directions to get there. He placed the wrist cuff around her arm.

"You seem anxious, Mr. Jackson. If you like you can sit down in other chair and I could prescribe you a mild sedative."

"I do not need another roofie!" Jax protested. "Just tell me if she's going to be okay."

"Yes, Miss Evans will make a full recovery Mr. Jackson. No need to worry."

"Oh, what the hell? What was that!?" Jax complained as the entire ship shook. Jax remaining besides Abigail's unconcsious body in concern. "Gideon!?"

"A thermite grenade." Gideon answered. "It seems someone is trying to breach the hull."

"Well, who the hell is it?" Jax asked shaking Abigail lightly. He needed her to wake up. Now. Surely one of his childhood idols would know what to do in a crazy situation like this.

"Chronos. He's a temporal bounty hunter." Gideon said as a few more blasts hitting the ship. "We're taking heavy fire."

"I know!" Jax exclaimed. He looked down to the unconcsious Abigail. "C'mon, wake up, please wake up. I need you." Jax pleaded but Abigail was out cold due to her memories taking their toll on her. She wasn't exactly fully recovered from her almost overdose yet.

"I'm afraid Miss Evans won't be waking up for quite a while Mr. Jackson. She's still recovering from injuries that she sustained earlier

"What does that mean?" Jax asked looking upon Abigail in confusion. She'd gotten hurt before Rip.

"Oh dear, I believe I've revealed to much. Perhaps you can ask Miss Evans herself about it when she awakens but I'm afraid I can't divulge any more information about the subject."

Another blast rocked the ship.

"Aren't we supposed to be invisible or something?" Jax demanded.

"We are, but I'm afraid Chronos has technology that counteracts our cloaking systems. We're quite visible to him as of now." Gideon answered.

"You need to get us out of here now!" Jax ordered. Sure he was scared for himself. A temporal bounty hunter didn't seem like good news, but Abigail couldn't even try to defend herself with her being unconscious and everything.

"I'm afraid I'm unable to complete that request."

Jax frowned because of course she wasn't. "Why is Chronos attacking us!?"

"Perhaps Captain Hunter is better suited to answer that query."

"Fire photon torpedos or something!" Jax told the Ai. Not that he even knew if what he just said was even a real thing in the future but hey Sci-fi movies had to be on to something.

"Only Captain Hunter is authorized-"

"Where is Captain Hunter!?" Jax demanded completely frustrated with the Ai denying all of his commands. Couldn't she see how much trouble he and Abigail were in!? He didn't have his powers and she was freaking unconscious.

"Oh you crazy old man." Jax breathed out seeing Stein running towards the ship taking heavy fire.

"Gotta go, I'll uh, be back." Jax told Abigail even though he didn't think she could hear him or respond with her being out and all. With that said Jax ran as fast as he could to the cargobay where Stein had just arrived.

"We have to merge!" Stein told him. With that said the two merge and the legends all fought Chronos before rushing back to the ship.

"Professor Boardman has sustained severe internal injuries." Gideon's voice informed the team.

"Prepare the medbay to receive Dr. Boardman and get us out of here!" Rip ordered the Ai quickly reacting to the news he was given.

"Course heading?" Gideon asked the Captain.

"Anywhere but here!" Rip ordered wanting to get his ship and his team as far away from the bounty hunter as he possibly could.

"Uh, Rip now's probably a bad time, but Abigail's in the medbay. Thought you should know." Jax told Rip.

"Did she get hit by Chronos?" Rip asked wondering if the meta had tried fighting with Chronos before they had gotten back. She wasn't a hero but perhaps she had decided to step up since she was the only one who had abilities.

"No, she just collapsed while you guys were gone." Jax answered. It had all happened so fast. He hoped he hadn't overwhelmed her or anything, but all the signs had pointed that it was his fault she was like that now.

"Thank you for telling me, Mr. Jackson. I'll handle it from here. You did well." Rip patted his shoulder. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2019 ⏰

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