chapter 2

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First day of school and im nervous even though i've seen these people last year, but i think it's because of Miranda who is staring at me like she wants something, i stare back and she starts walking over, 'Oh shit should i run or should i stand my ground, bloody hell run Lucy' i was about to turn and run until she grabbed my arm and dragged me away from the line i was in.
We got to a vacant place in the school, she stopped walking, "Listen carefully to me Lucy, i know I haven't been the greatest older sister and i want to apologize for that, but also i want to say this don't make a fool of yourself in class or out of it, you represent all of us at the house so i want you to behave, Phoebe is not coming today." "Why not?" The only thing i responded to and for surely that annoyed her easily, "Because Mother and Father took her to go see a therapist." That didn't sound reassuring, but I nodded in response.

The school bell rang for lunch, my sister stood right outside the door and I braced myself to be tripped, I passed her and nothing happened, she walked behind me in line, but when I got to the end she pulled me and took me to the seating area that are outside the cafeteria.
"What are we doing out here, nobody comes to eat here?"
She didn't say anything not a single word until we came to a table under the shade of a tree, that looks oddly familiar to me, "I wanted to talk to you in private, again." "Why, what's the matter sister?" She hesitated,but went on, "Its about Phoebe,sh- she stopped as if she was trying not to cry, "She didn't go to see a therapist, sh- she started to cry, but no sound emitting from her mouth. "Sister where did Phoebe really go?" I said to make her attention come back to me, "Mother and Father are terrible people." "Not news, your scaring me Miranda and this is the first in a long time you've cried." I started to cry, because I felt the worst thing in the world was about to come and hit me in the gut, Miranda looked up and saw me crying and she hugged me, "I'm sorry, our parents sent our beloved sister to her doom." And she sobbed a quiet sob, "I don't understand what happened Miranda?!" She stepped back still holding on to my shoulders, "Phoebe is dead."

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