chapter three

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"Giving up was never an option, Miranda if they haven't found her body maybe she's still alive and we should go and look for." "Are you out of your mind Lucy, just because they haven't found her does not mean she is still alive." I gave her a judgemental look of disappointment, "Well at least stop being negative, try and see the brighter side to things like this." "What do you mean brighter side, Phoebe is dead, and that sister ends our conversation about this." I felt anger boiling inside by chest, but I'd just have to live with it.
My parents sent Phoebe to her doom, meaning they sent her to retrieve a million dollar item, from a mysterious town, but later some of the men that went along with her said she disappeared, and all of a sudden they declare she is dead, I won't accept this!


Later that year we had her funeral without the body.
I was furious, but I cried so that people knew that i would never keep grudges.
My life has changed now since Phoebe is gone.
Miranda becomes a little bit nicer, she still bullies me, but when somebody else bullies me she comes and punches them or says rumors that hurts their popularity, I mean I don't like bullying, but at least Miranda is trying to be a little nicer.
Good things happen and bad things too.


My father and I are going to England for a little.

My mother cries, Miranda does not.


We leave on the plane.

Mother cries, and so does Miranda.


My life there in England goes smoothly, I learn sorts like how to knit and  bake with my grandmother.

My grandmother always said that I'll do great things.


We come back home and everything is different.

Home is different, school is different.

But Miranda is different.

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