The skelenapping

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Sorry I haven't been posting anything in awhile because of some depression stuff I'll make it up to y'all right now it's like 11:45 so This is gonna take long •_•

Outers pov
I was walking down the street hearing whispering from the humans in the park,i was getting anxiety and felt like they were talking about me because I was the only monster in the park at that time.i sat on a bench and realized I was sitting by someone,all the humans left the park in a rush but I know I wasn't alone so I tried socializing with the person next to me and realized that it was one of nightmares minions,he had black lines on his cheekbones  and a target on his white shirt.i hid my face so he wouldn't recognize me from the last time we met (underverse reference)
But he spoken up sadly

Killers POV
I was sitting on a bench looking at all the terrified faces of the humans in the park,I thought I was the only monster until I saw a familiar skeleton.tibia honest(that was a horrible pun)he was kinda cute but he looked like an anxiety attack was about to happen so I glared at the humans and made them leave but i wonder why I did that for some skeleton..I don't have feelings..right..?.i must be lucky because he sat next to me and looked at me for a mere second and hid his face,why does he look so familiar..his blue and yellow jacket,that fluffy hood..-wait is he.."outer??" I said with a questioning tone.he looked at me with a terrified but cute face and got up and ran.i was bummed that I didn't get to talk to him but I have a better way to be with him.
That's part one of my horrible stories and thanks for  inspiration LtHunter I'm gonna go to bed now bai

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