~•The curse of the beautiful rose•~ prt 2

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Nightmare saw the sleeping beauty with the black rose in his hands.He looked at him with a light blue hue covering his face and he walked over to the sleeping skeleton and sat next to him,picking up one of the white roses and made a flower crown and put it on his head.You are really pretty in person... he leaned against the sleeping skeleton and kissed his cheek  then the black rose started glowing and the vines and white roses (except the flower crown) uncovered the sleeping skeleton and the skeletons eye sockets fluttered open.He looked around sleepily and looked at nightmare hello?
Nightmare was surprised and sheepishly said hi,they talked for a bit and nightmare found out that the skeletons name was cross an he was wondering why he was in the woods.Nightmare showed him the prophecy and cross looked down sadly as he lost trust in the people he knew for a long time,nightmare helped cross stand up and walked out of the woods and into crosses old town.Everyone bowed to nightmare and stared at cross in amazement and disbelief,some of the towns
Thought he was dead and the people who set him in the  forest was in raged. Cross was still learning about nightmare and developed a crush on him, that night cross called nightmare into the garden Nightmare I want to tell you something...

Yeah cross?

Cross was hesitant at first but gathered up enough courage and kissed nightmare

I love you..

Nightmare blushed and hugged cross

I love you too..

Lol I actually like this I am proud UwU this is a reference to sleeping beauty with mah fav ship Nightcross I hope you enjoyed :3

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