~1~ New Beginnings

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??? What did I say about moving huh! I told you if you moved I would hurt you with my knife didn't I! Answer me!

Alice) Y-y-yes you did s-say that I-i didn't m-mean t-to my leg was going numb so I moved it so it-

??? No!!! I don't care if your leg was going numb I told you not to move!!

Alice P-please don't h-hurt me I-ill do anything just please don't hurt me and let me g-go

??? He lifts her chin up and chuckles a bit, oh baby I'm not gonna let you go yet the fun hasn't even started yet smirks a bit. How sensitive will your skin be when I slit your arm open?

Alice) U-uh you don't have to hurt me please let me go please HELP! Someone help me HEL-

??? Shhh baby covers her mouth with his hand. Knowone can hear you, takes his hand off her mouth let's have some fun now. He picks up the sharp knife.

This should be fun! He smirks and puts the blade on her arm and moves it down then trails it back up and moves the blade down fast cutting her arm open not too much but enough for blood to come spilling out.

Alice) AHHHH! She screams in pain when the blade cut her arm open, blood is running down her arm now. Please stop you tortured me enough! Your a Psychopath! She screams at him while tears run down her cheeks from the pain.

??? Baby don't yell at me bc if you do I'll hurt you even more, hm do you want me to hurt you more, where you don't live at all hm? Also babygirl your right I am a psychopath I love it! Says while playing with his lip ring with his tongue.

Alice) N-no I don't want you to hurt me even more. Please let me go. If you let me go I won't tell anyone what happened to me if people ask me and I won't go to the police.

??? He sighs, I don't know babygirl am I gonna be able to trust you to not tell anyone?

Alice) Yes you can trust me just please bandage me up and let me go please Daddy. I promise I won't tell anyone.

??? He smirks at her calling him Daddy , alright fine I'll let you go but if you tell anyone your bestie Y/n will get hurt understand!? He unties her then cleans up the dried blood on her arm, and bandages her up. But before you go there's one thing.

Alice) And what is tha- he interrupts her by giving her a small kiss on the lips, she kisses him back after he pulls away from the kiss he tells his buddy that was standing by the wall to take her home.

Y/n was moving from Busan to Seoul she was very excited that they moved bc her best friend Alice lives in Seoul too. She hasn't seen Alice since last Summer! Y/n misses her friends back in Busan especially Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin. The reason why they moved from Busan to Seoul was bc Y/n's mom found out that dad was cheating on her with another girl.

Y/n's POV

As I started to unpack my things in my new room, my phone started to ring in my backpocket I looked to see who was calling me and it was Jungkook. I answered it Hey! What's up kookie?!

Hey! I'm glad you answered bc I have amazing news to tell you!

Tell me! the amazing news tell me kookie pleaseeee!

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