Part Three - Abandoned Friend

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Andy looks so freaking cute in this picture.
Also have you seen his blonde hair?! I'm freaking dead. He's really a blonde now and it suits him so much.

I'm sorry this update is so late but more should be coming out now that I've finished my first year of college.


Once we'd arrived at Brooks house, I knocked on the door, the faint sound of the doorbell ringing inside.

After about a minute (and a few more rings), the door opened revealing the one and only Jack Duff looking drunk as hell.

He stared at us for a moment until he realised who we were, eyes widening. Then he was pushed away by Brook who said whilst laughing "who is it?"

"Heyyy Andy. My parents are away for a few days so I invited people around for a party. I called you but you didn't pick up so we started without you. Jack bought alcohol".

"O-ok" I replied, tears in my eyes because I knew he hadn't called me. I took my phone with me and it had never rung once.

"Come in" Brook said, ushering us inside, grabbing Jack's hand and giggling as he walked off.

What the actual hell is happening?

Last time I checked Jack was dating Sonny and Brook was just pinning after Jack.

Maybe it's all the alcohol in their systems. I thought.

We stepped into the house, party music playing loudly but not too loudly as to disturb the neighbours.

Rye must've spotted someone he knew because before I knew it, he was pulling me over to a sofa with a curly haired, blue-eyed guy sat on it.

"Andy this is my good friend Mikey, Mikey this is Andy". Rye put an arm around Mikey and smiled at him.

"Oh so THIS is the famous Andy I keep hearing about around college. There really are some idiots in the world. A guy liking another guy isn't a bad thing and this is coming from me, a guy who is very much straight" Mikey laughed.

I immediately decided that I liked this Mikey guy.


We sat around for a while chatting until Sonny walked over, a sad look on his face.

"What's wrong mate?" Mikey asked him, shuffling over on the sofa so Sonny could sit next to him.

"I just saw Jack making out with Brooklyn"

"Bro, didn't I warn you that was going to happen? Brook's been crushing on Jack, it was only a matter of time before he made a move and stole your man" Rye joined in, patting Sonny on the back sympathetically.

"I knew it was going to happen and I was prepared. It just hurts he didn't tell me"

I moved on the chair awkwardly. Was this why Brook was being so distant recently? Maybe he didn't want me to find out him and Jack were an item because it would crush me, knowing I will never be able to earn Ryes love.

Either way, he's made me feel so alone and helpless which isn't what a friend should do.

I reached over and grabbed a shot from the coffee table beside me. Too much is going on right now. I've never drank before but I really want the pain to go away.

I put the shot glass against my lips, tipping my head back as I let it run down my throat, cringing at the taste but taking more shots anyway.

Rye tried to stop me each time I took another shot but it was no use. I was far gone and there was no stopping me now.

I got onto my fifth shot before everything faded to black...


I awoke from the sun blazing through the open green curtains, pain shooting through my head.

Wait green?! Mine are blue!

And why does my head hurt? I don't remember being ill...

Then it hit me.

I'm still at Brook's house and I got piss drunk last night.

I remember darkness and the feeling of warm arms holding me up.

I looked to the side of me and saw Rye towards the other side of the bed, Sonny and Mikey lay at the bottom of the bed, Sonny's right arm and head hanging off the edge.

Movement was felt beside me, I turned my head back to Rye and he was staring at me, grin on his face although he had a look of anger in his eyes.

"Drinking won't solve your problems Andy" he growled, shuffling closer and wrapping his arms around me.

"Sorry" I mumbled back, pressing my nose into his neck as we embraced each other.

"I worry about you Andy and I can't help it. I don't know why I care for you so much but I do. I have this urge to protect you and keep you close to me. You can always come to me if you need any help". He started playing with my hair, ruffling it a little bit and pressing a quick kiss to my forehead.


He's making it really hard to not fall in love with him isn't he?

There ya have it. 1,000 words.

Also guys Grace Stuchbury is going to the Uni of Nottingham open day and has said she'll meet me there if we go on the same day. I'm actually dying guys. Like we were gonna meet at the Birmingham show next year if they did a tour but we may be meeting sooner ahhhh!

Anyway I love you guys. Please check out my YouTube channel if you haven't already and drop some suggestions.

Thank you byeeeeee.

Joanna xx

Tears In The Rain | Randy AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora