Part Six - We're Not Even Dating

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Andy's POV

So... Harvey wasn't even expelled, just given two weeks off college and a very angry phone call home to his parents who were not happy at all with his behaviour.

I'm surprised still that so many people are on my side. I'm so used to the bullying and people avoiding me so they also don't get bullied.

But Rye has really changed my life.

He brings a smile to my face, a real genuine one.

And he holds me when I need it, I don't even have to tell him I'm feeling down because he just knows.

I haven't known him long but I am definitely unconditionally in love with Ryan Beaumont.

Every time someone calls him my boyfriend or says we're cute together, I'll say "we're not even dating" but I know for sure that I blush every time.

People call us the cutest couple in the college even though we're not together, but they don't seem to understand that. Maybe that's because Rye plays up to it though.

Since the whole situation with Harvey, Rye has started bringing me a single rose every morning (which must be pretty expensive), kisses me on the cheek, plays with my hair, wraps his arms around my waist tightly and holds my hand.

Brook told me that maybe he likes me but that's not possible is it? Why would someone as hot and popular as him want to be with someone as broken and unpopular as me?

We just don't mesh together.

Two complete opposites.

But maybe the whole 'opposites attract' really exists.

Who am I kidding? That's only in cringy romance movies and fanfictions written by little kids (and some older teens to adults actually). Something like this doesn't exist in the real world.

He's too perfect for me.

"Heeeeey baby" Rye said excitedly, bringing out a red rose from behind his back. Even though he's been doing the same thing every morning for a week now, I still blush every.single.time.

I accepted the rose with a smile and a blush, him giving me a peck on my right cheek before wrapping his arm around my waist as we walked to the refectory.

Oh, did I mention he also took me for breakfast in the college refectory every morning too? He never bought anything from the cafeteria though, instead bringing in an extra lunch box of which he had made himself. It contained cheese sandwiches, salt and vinegar crisps, a snickers bar, homemade cookies and a bottle of water.

Rye led me over to our table, the one with Brook, Jack, Sonny and Mikey, brushing any crumbs off of the remaining chair next to him before tapping it, suggesting I sit down.

"Here you can have this seat right next to me babe" he grinned, pulling me by the arm to sit down, shuffling his chair closer to mine so our shoulders touched. I, of course, started blushing profusely.

Then he handed me my lunch box with a smile before getting his out of his bag also and eating his crisps which were prawn cocktail flavour.

After finishing our food, he lead me outside where we sat on the freshly lawn-mowed grass and looked up at the sky, nothing but comfortable silence surrounding us, that was until the other boys joined us, Brook shoving me onto the ground and messing up my hair.

"Oiiiii" I whined, pushing him off me with a groan, shaking grass off my head.

"You missed some baby" Rye said, moving closer and pulling a piece of grass out of my hair, staring into my eyes as he did so.

'Awwwww's' surrounded us as I blushed and Rye seemed to be blushing too? Nah, I was imagining things.

Rain suddenly started pouring from the sky rapidly. I shrieked and ran inside with the others, all of us laughing as we got back inside of the college. Every time our laughter started dying out, one of them would say something funny which would have us laughing again. We carried on laughing until our lungs hurt and we had tears streaming down our face.

And you know what? I almost forgot what my life was like before I met these guys...

Because now, with everyone surrounding me, all I felt was happiness and love.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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