Part Four - A New Bully?

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I don't know whether people like that I don't have an updating schedule anymore or's probably annoying but nice at the same time. Annoying because my updates are very infrequent but nice because I'm not lying about updates anymore haha. 

I'm trying to make this story have more detail than my others, continue the storyline and showing the building up of their relationship rather than them already liking each other or suddenly liking each other out of nowhere. 

Also Sack is over in this fic lol. But wow, how did I know Sack were closer than Bronny? I'm amazing xD

Also, ya gotta try guess who the new bully is. It's gonna be an actual person and not somebody made up. Also this is an AU (Alternate Universe) fic so don't get mad I turned a nice person bad ok? Not that any of my readers get mad. You're all super nice people.


AAAAAAAAAANNNNNYYYYYYYGAYYYYY nobody reads my A/N's so this was a waste of typing. You're all here for the story so let's get into it.

Here I was with a razor in my hand, blood oozing out of the cuts going from my wrist to my elbow on my left arm.

How did this happen? You may ask.

You were perfectly fine the other day.

Well... I'll tell you.


It was a Tuesday morning, my second week into the new year of college, second week of knowing Rye.

Brook and I had made up, we were closer than ever after that and I now hung around with Jack, Sonny and Mikey as well as Rye.

I walked down the halls to my locker, the place I would meet up with Rye now to chat before class when I was shoved harshly against one of the lockers.

You may think 'oh it was just an accident' or 'hey, don't worry, Rye will save you' but Rye was on the other side of college by my locker, he wouldn't hear what's going on.

The new guy kicked me in the side repeatedly in the same spot, almost like he was stuck in that motion.

Then he started throwing words at me that I thought I'd gotten over since being friends with Rye.

'You're such a worthless fag, how DARE you walk in my way and pollute the air with your gay disease you disabled piece of shit', the new guy said as he started punching me in the gut.

I cried out in pain as he slammed his foot down on my right ankle, probably fracturing it.

But I didn't fight back.

I never do.

Because I'm too weak and I AM a worthless fag, even my parents think so and Rye and the others are just my friends because they feel sorry for me.

After he'd finished abusing me, he pulled my collar so I could see his face clearly.

He had dark brown hair which had blonde streaks in it although I don't think it was supposed to look like that and green eyes, he had a simple clothing style which consisted of a white long-sleeved top and black skinny jeans. He wasn't tall but he was definitely taller than me, probably average height.

"Don't you EVER think about walking in my path again. I've heard about you. I'm not scared of your little boyfriend though. Someone needs to teach your kind that you don't deserve to exist and flaunt yourself like this" he spat, then pushed me down to the floor, then walked off down the corridor whistling.

After he'd gone out of sight I grabbed my bag and rushed off to the toilets.

What are you going to do?

Cut yourself?

Are you really that worthless you little fag?

Why don't you kill yourself while you're at it?

I cried as I searched for the one thing I knew would relieve me from these thoughts and pain.

My razor.

Then I pressed it against my left wrist, cutting deep into the flesh.

When I saw blood I lost control.

It stung but it felt good.

This sort of pain relieved me, gave me something better to think about.

So here I am now, staring at the cuts along my arms, disappointed in myself for going back to my old ways of relief.

Disappointed I'd broke my promise I'd made with Rye on Friday.

Rye treated my wounds from the other day, pulling up the sleeves of my sweater to check for bruises.

Then he gasped.

He'd seen my cuts.

Now he was going to hate me forever.

He reached forward and held my wrists carefully, looking into my eyes as he said

"Andy, please promise me you will never cut again. If you ever feel the urge, just call me"

"I promise" I replied, as we both faintly smiled at each other.

And now I had broken that promise and all because one jerk had made me feel like shit.

Now Rye would for sure hate me and think I'm doing all this for attention.

After all, that's why others think I cut, because I'm an attention seeker. But in reality, I want nothing more than to just be invisible so that all the bullying and the pain would go away.

But I'm that unlucky fag that cries when his parents throw him out in the rain. Because I'm weak and useless.

And I will always be like that.


FINALLY an update. It's kinda short again but this chapter was pretty sad. I'm just letting out the anger I have towards my parents as most of the gay slurs and stuff are things they say when they see a gay person.

Who do you think the bully is? I kinda made it obvious tbh 😂

Anyway thanks for reading and give suggestions if you want to for what can happen in other chapters.

Joanna xx

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