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What is happiness? Its a question that we all gotta ask ourselves,

Is happiness the sound of the waves crashing to the shore, one after the other or maybe a huge wave splashing water onto your shirt?

Is it the way flowers dance with the light breeze that almost makes you forget about how much you cried your eyes out last night ?

Maybe its how the colors of the sunset is so beautiful to the eyes and how the sun sets to give a little peck on the surface of the mass ocean!

Or do you think happiness is the laughter of a kid when they get the barbie doll which they've been eyeing on every time they went to the toy shop around the corner?

Or does the thought of you with that one person who caused your heart all the damage gives you happiness?

(there are a million ways to find happiness but you still keep serching for her everytime you wanna be happy, how pathetic!)


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