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You will be okay.

1. When he said he loved you a couple of months ago, remember that he meant it. He must've loved you with all he had.

2. When you wait for hours for that phone call or the text message from him after a long day asking you how your day went, remember that he might've been tired and he could've fallen asleep. Don't think about the other girls he could be spending time with.

3. When he cups your face and lift it up to give you tiny kisses, you might daydream about it for hours, days until the only thing that gives you that feeling anymore is a shot of whiskey.

4. When you turn on the radio and his favorite song goes on, you might cry your eyes out but its okay. Maybe some memories with him are worth missing but know that the bad memories drained all the energy from your soul. So wipe off your tears hun, people who abandon you aren't worth your tears.

5. When the sun rises and you flip over to the other side of the bed, when you don't find him laying next to you, know that you will get used to his absence in your life. You will be alright.

6. When literally every flower shop makes you think of the flower deliveries you got from him with the 'I love you' notes, remember that you were loved by him, merely. But that love lasted for awhile.

7. When you find his sweater underneath all your clothes and when it still smells of him, you will miss him. Your heart will ache more than ever, and your eyes will be tired of the tears. But trust me, it will all go away. The sadness will leave you alone.

8. When you go through the pictures in your gallery, you find a folder with the memories of him. You breakdown. Its okay. Delete the folder, start taking new pictures to find your gallery with.

9.When you text him and he replies with how good his life is, be happy for him. Your life will get better too.

10. Its okay to miss him. Its okay to want to go down the memory lane and want to relive those memories. Its okay to miss how he made you feel, or to miss the days you'd smile so hard that your jaw would hurt. But when he asks you for another chance, or maybe for a coffee date to talk things over, don't be stupid. Things might've changed, but remember that it might not be better.


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