Autumn days

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        Twinkling in the sky, each star shone brightly before burning out to usher in the day. Dawn's somber light slowly crept in, the sun glimmering in the backdrop of the early morning sky. All across Venezia tired eyes awoke to the calling of birds and the insistent cry of blaring alarm clocks, bringing in a day similar to any other. Under silken sheets in a tiny two bedroom apartment raised high above everything else, you found yourself grumbling as you pulled your body back under the covers. They were snug, warm like the hugs your mother would give you as a child, however that wasn't exactly what you needed at the moment. You'd sworn to yourself the night before that you would sleep in today seeing as it was the weekend; however, old habits die hard and you just couldn't go back to bed.

         Robotic and stiff, you sat up, grouching under your breath as you pushed back green curtains to show a clear shot of the street below the veranda. Beautiful Venezia, Italy; a place you had only moved to just recently. It had been a lovely two weeks so far, yet even now it still surprised you to wake up to the sights the country had. The waters were stunning and the food was just about the best you'd ever had. Being able to travel by gondola and visit historical sights was probably about the most romantic thing you'd done in recent memory. All of this, not counting an unsavory situation with a few local miscreants, made this little move of yours quite the success. The only thing that seemed to sadden you about the whole ordeal was that you were no longer able to see your family as easily anymore. Thinking about it now you almost let loose a chuckle. Over and over before you came your father had argued with you about what could go wrong, though most of his arguments were moot points. Honestly, any dangers he brought up could be applied to your old home too. Now, its not like where you had lived was particularly dangerous, but trouble had a peculiar way of finding you wherever you went. 

        The wild animals were the worst. There you'd be, walking past a lake, only to be attacked by a particularly dickish goose. If you forgot to secure your trash cans, raccoons and cats would use them as their personal buffet, and worst of all was the time you'd been stalked by a wildcat during a hike. For nearly half an hour you were stuck in a perpetual state of wondering whether you'd be some felines next meal. 

        People, of course, weren't any better.

        Around your old home you had been the victim of many unsavory characters. So many in fact, that to this day your friends still called you by the loving nickname of hostage. Muggings, shootings, and hell, even a stand off had all occurred within your general vicinity, though things like this didn't bother you as much as they used to anymore. Its not like you'd get hurt during any of these bizarre situations, so you just let it be. As time went on though, you found yourself getting more antsy. Twenty eight years of these types of occurrences was bound to take a toll in some way; so, when your boss offered you the opportunity to move to Venezia you took it in a heartbeat.

        Pushing back a stray piece of hair, you hopped up from your bed and rubbed your eyes. Beneath the shifting weight the wood of your apartment floor creaked and moaned. In the future you'd probably have to get that fixed. For now though, you just wanted something to eat. Pushing open your closet doors you fished through whatever seemed suitable for the weather. Stripping down to your undergarments you quickly pulled on an over-sized striped shirt. Now, this specific article of clothing had been small at one point; however, a faulty washing machine had done its due to the when you had bought it. Next to this, a strawberry overcoat laid unused and after a tiny debate in your head you had put that on too. Autumn had come fairly quickly, causing the weather to turn quite nippy. It would probably do some good to put on a hat too. After some struggles with a nice pair of leather pants and the dawning of a spiked green beanie you finally found yourself walking out the door.

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