Lavender Ice Cream

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        "You mean there's been no news about your case at all?!"

        "Nope, nothing, I can't believe it myself. I mean you think I'd at least get something back, y'know?"

        The clinking of a glass and its pink coloring distracted you as you glared into its stirred lemony contents. It had been nearly a week since you had reported your missing wallet and attack to the police and yet they had gotten nothing back to you. To say that it pissed you off would be a major downplay as to how deep your anger went however, it seemed like there was nothing you could do about it. Tapping her lime green nails on the brown table May, your friend and soon to be boss, listened to your gripes and grievances with concern.

        "Haven't you tried calling them?"

        "Of course I have, this morning in fact. Its why I called you here." You explained, taking a sip of the cool beverage.

  May tilted her head, a clear question being projected upon her face though, she knew better than to ask it. After all, you'd likely explain it to her soon enough. She just had to be patient. A slurping noise rang throughout the restaurant as you took another sip.

        "Nothing, Nada, Zippo, they didn't believe me about my case. Wasn't even reported apparently."

        The atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly grew cold. Couples whom had once been laughing as they ate suddenly went quiet, their gazes turning to the woman who sat in front of you. May gripped her glass, a few cracks appearing upon the outer rim of its decor. A snarl ripped its way from the woman's throat, her voice going deeper as she spoke. 

        "What?! They can't do that! The hell..." She sifted a hand through her lavender locks, a pointed look coming from her gaze into your own.

        Calmly, you nodded along with her. 

        "No...They can't. That's why I'm confused."

        A frown made itself to May's features, her looped earrings jingling softly as she leaned forward. There was a twisting within her gut like that of a writhing fish, gasping for water as it flopped on land. She could feel it in the air, slowly creeping down her back with a vicious ferocity. There was an omen on the wind, one that screamed and cried, don't come near, don't explore any further. 

        "Hey, hostage, you don't think that that guy might've had some connections? It could be some kind of cover up...I think you should leave it. You've already canceled your cards so it should be fine."

        Looking downward you twiddled you thumbs in thought, biting your lip softly to distract yourself for the moment. Forgetting it would've been the smart thing to do. After all, many other people would have. It was just a wallet, a dumb ol' piece of leather that held your cards and money. Surely your life was more important than such a thing, right? Well, probably, but there was one thing that held you back from making the calm and rational decision. A certain something that you, in all your life and there after could not possibly just give up. It was a last memento, your most prized possession...A fist banged against the table shocking the nearby patronages surrounding you two. 

        "You know I can't do that May. If I do then-"

        "Excuse me, but could you keep it down? Our customers are trying to enjoy their meals and-"

        May turned her head to the woman, a look of death beaming straight into the poor waitress's head. At first the lady stared right back, her gaze nearly matching that of your friends however, when May finally stood, the waitress felt herself shrink back entirely. May was tall, taller than you or any girl you knew. When hunched over it was harder to see, though, when standing you'd say she was near giant. A chuckle slipped from you lips as you saw the woman's eyes go wide with surprise. Your lanky friend wasted no time in answering the poor worker.

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