Cold Case

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         Waking up, you found the first thing to come to you was a splitting headache. It cracked through your head, splitting and ripping apart every nerve as if you had just been hit by a metal bat. Your whole world felt like it was spinning, your eyes taking in the blurry form of the room around you. White sheets, the smell of lemons and antiseptic, and most important of all, the policemen that smiled down at you with a small wave. Furrowing eyebrows and a quivering lip immediately painted their ways onto your features until finally it all came back to you. Every....little....single....detail.... 

         Oh were punched.

         Two men in blue, the men whom you assumed to be policemen on further inspection, immediately hurried up to your bedside as you touched your face. The man must've broken your nose judging by the bandaging atop of it. A sour mood overtook you. In all your years of dealing with weirdos and societies less than best, you had never been hurt. From druggies to muggers, each and every one of them just seemed to pass you by. Looks like you'd have to be more careful next time when walking about. Acrimonious and grumbling you hoisted yourself up with the help of the men near you. The cracking split that made your ears ring still stayed making it quite difficult to maneuver yourself for the time being. Turning to one of the policemen you started to question what was going on.

        "God....What the hell?" You stated in a pained voice, your eyes finally focusing on the man's features.

        He pushed back his blonde hair, a warm smile upon his friendly looking face. Weirdly enough, the cop's eyes seemed to be quite striking in appearance, electric and blazing like that of a man much younger than he looked. 

        "You were involved in an accident ma'am and got quite the injury there for it." 

          It took a bit for you to grasp what he was saying. Instead, you decided to focus on it in your mind, thinking how odd the man's accent was. It sounded nearly kid-like in your opinion. 

        "Accident?" You questioned.

         He looked back at his partner, a stoic man who had stayed quiet for the time being. He seemed to be worried for your state of mind.

        "Yes, an accident..."

        Suddenly, as if it all hit you at once, your eyes turned sharp. You gritted your teeth, clenching them till your gums began to hurt. Finally, it felt like your senses had returned to you.

        "Ah fuck," You whispered, fist clenching the sheets atop the hospital bed.

        "Ma'am, are you alright? Do you remember what happened now?"

        Pushing your hand up through some strands of hair you shook your head in affirmation. You both didn't want to nor had the energy to talk to the man. A nod was sent your way too. 

        "Good, it would make this case a lot more difficult if you were out of it."  

        Nodding in agreement you listened to what the man had to say about the case. Apparently, the old lady had immediately called the police once Romeo had been stabbed. They arrived without haste, though, by the time they had appeared the strange boy was already gone. All that was left were you, who at that point had passed out with a broken nose, and Romeo, whose cheek continued to bleed profusely until he got proper medical attention. A part of yourself felt relieved at the news that the waiter was getting the help he needed; however, this relief was short lived. For the next half an hour or so the police grilled you about details of the incident. Things like if you knew the boy to what he was wearing at the time came up as well as a few more bizarre questions like what you were eating at the time. Eventually, once the two had settled you likely had no other details to disperse, they thanked you for your time and got ready to leave. 

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