Chase You

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         Eye to eye the both of you continued your staring contest for what seemed like nearly a minute before Marco took the cigarette from his mouth, pinching it between two shaky fingers. Its red bud glowed in the dark distractedly, attracting your stare to its near hypnotic visage. Between the two of you, even with the raging party happening behind you, a pin drop could be heard. Skillfully he flicked it over the balcony, causing it to fall like a shooting star. 

        "Shit..." He muttered, not all together as his senses kicked into overdrive.

        Your iris followed the litter on its perilous journey downward, a glare coming to your eye as they pinned Marco's form once again. Just as plain as ever, the bastard stood there with an unwelcoming glare. Like little pricks of ice, a dull dark brown shade sized you up, darting up and down with a malicious glint that almost caused you to stumble backward. Should a policeman have had such a harsh profile? At most Marco had first seemed to have been uninterested at best during your first meeting; however, compared to now, the cornered man seemed more like a wild animal. 

        Or...perhaps it was the other way around?

        After all, this was a feeling you were not wholly unfamiliar to. Lest we forget that lovely nickname, hostage was still a mark you had long since bore before. Instinct truly was a powerful thing. A thing that had probably saved your ass more times than once. From robberies and muggings to jaded lovers that had come a little too close for comfort, there was nothing more crucial than this instinct to survive being the one and only "hostage"; but now, right as you stared into Marco's blazing eyes, your instinct was blaring at you to look the other way. 

        Pressure had built in the air, so strong and pressing that you felt yourself flinch a little as he started to step away. Could you have been more foolish? Most likely not, for as that pressure built, as that instinct screamed at you to run, you took a step forward. What happened next was a blur. You had reached a hand out to the bastard, shouting an alarming "Wait!" that had startled the misters and misses of the party. The crooked cop bolted from that point, heels clicking against the pavement as he disappeared into the streets, a pale streaming smoke being left in his wake. People grew curious, reaching out to you like hungry pests as you tried to push them away. That cop...He was getting away! Crowding together, you felt yourself grow claustrophobic. Their bodies were thick as tapioca pudding and their hands reaching out to stop you as you gasped for breath. 

        You were going down...sinking into the mesh of people, however, with a reinforced vigor, you slammed your way through. A couple of curses rippled among them, but you'd have to save your apologies for later. That man was still out there and hopefully with your newfound freedom you'd be able to find him. The bulbs of the streetlights dazzled and sparkled as you made your way out onto the sidewalks and alleys, head whipping this way and that as you cursed lightly. he was gone...totally and absolutely gone.

        "Shit, Shit! Fucking crooked ass cop!" You snarled, pushing up your (h/c) hair. "God dammit, come on (Name), think! If you were some no good prick of a policeman where would you be?"

        Through the waterways of Venice, the air delicately tickled your alcohol warmed body on this chilly night. You'd only had a couple of glasses, however its effects on your mind were already profound. You needed to focus. Perhaps dunking your head in the canal would help though you decided against that idea rather quickly. It was likely that the man had already fled at this point. Gone with the wind, taking with him the last hopes of finding your precious stolen item as well. Defeat rested upon your shoulders like an old, worn out pal. It whispered heinous things. You'd lost him, you'd lost the wallet, you'd lost the last evidence of your friend upon this Earth and....It was all your fault. 

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