The arrival.

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Betty kept moving everything in her trailer. Every candle, every photo-frame, even all of the cutlery. She wanted to make it perfect for her new found friends.

Some extreme weather was headed to Riverdale, and her and her friends had decided, that it would be fun to all stay together for the suspected week of blizzards and storms. So, each person was bringing their own food for the week, along with whatever they would need to sleep.

Betty's trailer had 2 bedrooms, a bathroom and a connected living room and kitchen. Fairly big for a trailer. She slept in the larger bedroom of course, and the other bedroom only had room for a single bed. Her couch was a pullout bed, and so were the two armchairs.

After obsessively checking everything was in the right place, Betty heard a knock that practically shook the whole trailer.

"Archie, you don't have to give me a fake earthquake every time you come here." Betty said, opening the door. She soon realised Jughead was beside him, "Oh hey Jug."

"Actually Betty, at this point it's a requirement. If I don't scare you, then what's the point in coming?" Archie immediately made himself at home, walking straight towards the single bedroom.

"Weren't we supposed to all be here like an hour ago?" Jughead asked.

"Well yeah, but I'm the 5 weeks I've been living here, I've figured that all of you love to be late. So I always set the times an hour so before you actually need to be here." Betty says, strolling over to the fridge, with Archie and Jughead's bags of food.

"Teach Veronica that trick will you? She clearly hasn't caught onto our tardiness." They both laughed.

Betty had moved here 5 weeks ago with her brother, Charles. However, after about a week he decided he wasn't too keen on the town, and tried convincing Betty to move back. Instead of both of them moving back, since Betty was 18 anyway, the two decided she could stay at the trailer. Charles still pays half the rent though.

Since she has moved here, she has gained a decent amount of friends, and was getting closer and closer to them each day. However, she was definitely closest to Jughead. They both clicked quite quickly, in fact, when Jughead was giving her the mandatory tour on her first day, they had already started debating every unsolved crime case that sprung to mind ten minutes in, eventually forgetting why they were even out of lessons.

"How's the serpents? A couple of them have been coming round the trailer, asking me to join." Betty says, stealing a cab of cola from one of the bags.

"They're good. Ghoulies are locked up, so as far as I can tell, we've got no trouble. Do you want me to tell them to back off? They're only doing it because of Alice- well and since you're friends with me." Jughead continues, "People dong see many 'normals' living on the Southside, and when they do, they are quick to recruit."

"No, no. It's fine, I get why they're doing it. Eventually they'll realise my answer isn't going to change." Betty shrugs, "And anyway, they need to realise that me and my mom have nothing in common- plus we haven't spoken for 10 years."

It had taken another full hour for the girls to arrive.

"Sorry we're late! Cheryl had to make a stop at Sephora for a new lipstick." Veronica rolls her eyes as Betty opens the door.

"What if I run out! I'm not taking that risk." Cheryl said, walking straight past Betty, without being invited in.

"Come in." Betty sighs sarcastically.

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