The First Breakfast.

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Veronica stretched her limbs as she sat up from her sleeping spot on the couch. It had been surprisingly comfortable, but she soon decided she needed to get up, when she unlocked her phone and saw the time.

No one else was awake, and she was craving some pancakes, so she got all the ingredients set out on the counter, and started on the mix.

Cheryl soon sauntered in, already in a full face of makeup and a red mini skirt.

"Good morning, Veronica. I'd anyone else awake yet?" She asked, setting her phone down onto the dining table, and opening the fridge in search of a bottle of milk.

"Nope. Archie will probably wake up soon though, not sure about Betty and Jug." She said attempting to flip her first pancake.

It landed on the floor, and Veronica groaned.

"Need some help?" Archie smirked cheekily from the doorway. He was still in his pjs, not bothering to make himself presentable this early in the morning.

"Since when could you cook?" Cheryl snickered.

"I can't, but I know how to throw a pancake in the air." He replied walking over to help Veronica.

"I'll go check on the other two." The Raven-haired girl said, once seeing Archie had everything under control.

She made her way to Betty's room, and knocked lightly on the door, not wanting to annoy them.

There was no response so she decided to knock a little louder.

Still nothing. So, she opened the door carefully, and peeked inside. She was met with an adorable view of the two cuddling each other closely.

As friends, of course.

But either way, it was extremely cute.

She not-so quietly slammed the door shut, and made her way back to the two red-heads.

"So? Are the hobos awake yet?" Cheryl asked, sipping her coffee.

"Nope, but they were definitely killing me with their cuteness." She laughs, sitting on the chair next to her.

"How can they be cute? They were sleeping." Archie rolls his eyes, pouring some more mix into the pan.

"They were cuddling! Archiekins, even you must know that's cute." Veronica said, in a sassy tone.

"They're just friends remember? Jug doesn't look at Betty like that." He responds.

"Jughead doesn't look at anyone like that." Cheryl rolls her eyes.

Betty woke up to a few notifications pinging on her phone. She attempted to roll over, in order to grab her phone and see who was texting her, but was immediately brought back into a hug by Jughead.

He lifted her so she was now lauded on top of him, cuddling her as if he was a teddy bear.

"Juggie, I need to check my phone." Betty sighs.

"5 more minutes." He mumbled.

Betty tried reasoning with him some more but eventually gave up, and fell back asleep.

Her slumber was short-lived though, when Jughead's phone started to ring ten minutes later. He groaned, let go of the blonde, and picked it up, answering the call.

"Hello?" He grumbled.

Betty sat up and made her way to the wardrobe. She grabbed a simple pair of light blue jeans and a pink sweater, taking them to the bathroom to change.

In a matter of minutes she was back out, and Jughead has already left the room to get some breakfast.

"So tell me why you were in our room?" Jughead asked Veronica, in response to her question about their cuddle sesh.

"Well obviously, I tried knocking, but you two wouldn't answer me!" She said chomping down on her pancake.

As the two continued to argue about it, Betty grabbed herself a plate of pancakes and sat down next to Cheryl.

"Can you stop arguing? I've just woke up and I've got a raging headache." She sighed, resting her head in her hands.

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