She's Not Acting Like Herself

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Beakly got the tea ready, already knowing that this conversation could take a while, but she didn't care how long it took because it involved her granddaughter.

Beakly: "Tell us what is wrong with Webby?"

Donald: "You know how she sends balloon letters up in the sky."

Scrooge: "Yes, I have spent hundreds of dollars getting her envelopes, paper, pens, stamps, crayons, balloons, even stickers and decorations to make the letters pretty. But I don't mind because it keeps the lad going and she's been through a lot."

Beakly: "She hasn't been acting like herself. She's even in her room napping and she never naps. I went to see if she was actually sleeping or just sobbing in her pillow but when I went in there she was dead asleep. She was snoring. She never takes naps in the day, or ever!!"

Donald: "Me and her had a conversation. She says that she blamed Scrooge for promising to adopt her and save her knowing fully well it was impossible."


Della: "What do you mean?"

Scrooge: "After you got lost in space Donald and I didn't talk for ten years. When the boys found out what happened to you they blamed me, now Webby is blaming me for Lena."

Donald: "CAN I FINISH TALKING?" Donald yelled.

Della: "Hey your right he does have the same temper as me."

Beakly: "Now is not the time for chit chat WE ARE TALKING ABOUT MY GRANDDAUGHTER!! Continue Donald."

Donald: "She said she doesn't like blaming Scrooge and blames herself for what happened and not detecting that Lena was being held against her will."

Scrooge: "Me poor wee darling Lena. I can't imagine what she went through. She told me that Magica would starve her, beat her and treat her like a puppet and the only way she could get food was when she was with us."

Scrooge started to tear up.

Donald: "She hasn't been acting herself lately. I am surprised that she hasn't watched Della in her sleep and collect blood, hair, and slobber samples and interviewed her."

Della: "Wait, wait, wait, what? She stalks people in their sleep?"

Scrooge: "She does that to me and Donald, you just learn to get use to it."

Della: "I feel horrified and flattered and the same time."

Donald: "I managed to crack up a chuckle and a smile from her."

Beakly: "How on earth did you manage that?"

Donald: "Telling her what the boys did to me while raising them. How Huey was like a walking encyclopaedia and how he would correct me a lot on school work and that he would read the JWGB to me non stop."

Scrooge: "Just like Della when when she was Huey's age."

Donald: "I also told her about how hard it was to was to teach Dewey how to potty train."

Della: "Well I bet Dewey will just be so happy when he finds out about that." Della said sarcastically

Donald: "Nobody will tell him Della!"

Beakly: "Sooo? What else."

Donald: "She hasn't been wanting to play with the boy."

Scrooge: "I think we all noticed that."

Beakly: "She hasn't even been crawling through the vents like usual."

Scrooge: "Ok something is seriously wrong with Webby!"

Donald: "I have been thinking on things to distract her."

Beakl: "Me too but I have been so busy that I haven't been able to put any of my plans into action."

Donald: "Well I thought that since it's Friday that me and Della spend the weekend with her. Tomorrow is adventure day and we can go anywhere she wants to go and Sunday is research day where she can ask both of us questions and we tell her stories of our adventures and she can collect samples and the other Webby research stuff that she does."

Beakly: "That seems like a good idea. I think she'll love that."

Scrooge: "Yes but I don't think Della fully understands Webby when she's in her.... how do I say this....  crazy research mode."

Beakly: "I would be mad at you but you do have a point."

Donald: "DEWEY!!!!"

Della: "What was that for."

Donald: "I don't feel like getting him."

Dewey: "I am here!" *panting* "I just ran around the whole mansion trying to get here so this better be important."

Donald: "It is indeed. I didn't feel like getting you."

Scrooge: "We need you to go the the backyard with Beakly, Your Uncle Donald, and your mom to teach your mom all about Webby."

Dewey: "Umm ok.  By the way have you noticed that she has been acting weird lately."

All the adults: "YES!!"

Donald: "We already have a plan set into motion."

Beakly: "Then let how to deal with Webby training camp begin!"

SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW- A Weblena story 🌈Where stories live. Discover now