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I already said this on my message board but I'll say it again. Killing boredom.

So, on June 30, Sunday, my parents told me to stay home with my bro and watch him because they have some things to do. I agreed it was no big deal, they do this most of the time. When they return to my mom said I have a surprise for you but I didn't believe my eyes when I saw the Apple Watch Series 4 box in her hand! And I was like, " are you kidding me!?" It was the best day and it was so amazing I didn't know what to do I thanked them like 1000 times but before that I thanked God and I was so thankful because I was saving up and planing to buy it for like a year now. (don't misunderstand me please and don't hate on me because I'm not trying to flex or anything I just wanted to share my happiness with my friends and as I said, I already posted this on my message board but most of you didn't see it it and I wanted to tell all of my best friends here.)

Love you all 😍 I always wish you the best and hope you make your wishes come true. (Like mine 😉) 

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