Read if u want to and if dont, i dont care.

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You know, it's really weird that people contact u only when they need something from you or when ur the one contacting them first. I mean they don't even ask u how are you or something like that. People don't have that thought that death is on the door. It's the closest thing from everyone in this world. Why don't u spend as much time as u can with people? Or try being nice to them? Don't you have that thought in ur mind that they might die the next year, month, day, hour, min, sec, and you'll regret what you've done ? And when u sit down and talk to people about anything, they're like, "I'm busy with this and that..." busy with what? Don't u have a min in ur day to talk to ur family, friends or anyone and say, "hi how u doing ? Just wanted to check on you" it would be enough. At least they know that u care about them. Don't be selfish. And one more thing, when u text them or talk to them, they're like, "I'm busy I gotta go" or they don't even answer u at all, at that point, you'll give up texting them and talking to them. Just be nice to each other and that's it. I said all of this because I'm my city, my country, the coronavirus is spreading and I just wanna thank all of u for being nice and for being and amazing person. Anyone can die in any min. I'm saying this because a sudden death (my death) can cause a connection lost between us so I tell u , it's better than saying nothing and disappear suddenly. And I don't mean the coronavirus, I mean every kind of things  that can cause my death. Thank y'all

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