Chapter 1

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Okay! Not much different from Rangsit. It's even a better one than it, cheaper as well. Wad encouraged himself when he parked his bike at his new university's parking lot.
His new life started 10 minutes from home, he left his old school, returned home, tried to forget someone and changed faculty.
If we are meant to meet, it will be fated. Yosh! Su su!

In another place, about an hour from Wad, Prem was frustrated. He checked his email and they all rejected him. He still has no work. Toota went back home to his parents farm, Knott is actually taking his graduate program, Arthit is so whipped by his boyfriend and work while Bright snatched some money and built himself a bar.
I'm still unemployed, dang it! He took his phone, it kept on ringing for the past few minutes. Who is this?

"How long has it been? Since you came here?"
Wad looked at his friends, "What?"
"Wad, please! Stop reading, we're in the middle of a discussion", one of the guys blinked his eyes toward him, he's quite an attractive one.
"I'm not reading", Wad marked the page and closed his book. He was so engrossed in a book recommended by an online friend (of twitter). "So, what are we talking about?"
"Today is the last exam day. We're thinking of going somewhere to relief the stress",  Crystal, the prettiest girl in the group, a mix of Thai-Japan, opened her compact. "You have any idea where to go?"
Looking at his misfits group of friends, Wad pouted. "I don't know, we're going? I thought we're not doing anything. I made plans with the guys from the bike club?"
"Wad!" Everyone at their table talked at the same time. They all protested because Wad left them out of the plan. Again.
Another student came by and clapped Wad on the shoulder, "Yosh! What happened?"
Once again they all talked at the same time, Wad put up his hand. "Guys please. We can talk one by one."
Crystal would not take second place, she blurted her complain. "He's going off on a holiday by himself!"
"We're talking about going somewhere for after exams but Wad had planned his own", Taw explained, he looked upset. "Jun, did you know about this?"
Wad sighed, "I'm taking it with some of the guys from the bike club, not on my own."
Everyone was about to talked again but the newcomer stopped them. "Yosh! Why don't you ask him where will he go? And join him there?"
Instead of asking, they all looked at Wad. He rolled his eyes before taking his phone from his bag, "We're going to Umphang. It's about 13-14 hours on bike. Then take the hiking trails to Thi Lo Su waterfall. Are you sure you can do this?"
Putting his hand on Wad's shoulder, Jun laughed, "They wanted to join you, let them. Just remember, this is hiking with camping. So bring light, only necessary stuffs."
"Well, if you want, sure. Jun and I will see you at the parking lot. I'll inform P'Peer about it." Wad sent a Line to his captain, to inform him that the hike will have 4 more people joining. "Bring your own tent, please."

Wad loved his bike, he'd go anywhere on his bike if it's possible. The hiking not so much but since there will be a lot of people he won't mind the hike.
I wonder what's that bullheaded guy doing now? Working in an office, I guess.  Wad started his bike, warmed it up for the long journey. Sitting on his bike, he checked his phone. The home wallpaper was a picture of a red jacket, his red jacket. There was something about to happen between the two of them but Wad was too insecure to start and Prem was too oblivious to understand Wad's signs.
A motorcycle stopped next to him, a man, a bit older than Wad took off his helmet. "Hey Wad. Ready?"
The younger man waid and smiled, "Yes, P. I'm waiting for Ai'Jun."
They got off the bike and sat in the porch until Jun arrived. Wad called out to his mum, "We're going now, mum."
"Careful boys, don't forget to text me, ok?" His mum smiled, she nodded to the other boys. She's happy that Wad's home, sad as well because her son has to bury his dream of being an engineer but happy nonetheless that he's still able to enjoy his life. Her husband felt like a failure but Wad stubbornly claimed that "It's not your fault, pa. I don't mind moving back home. I can study everything, I'll make it. Don't worry!"
She watched the boys left the driveway, Have a safe journey, boys.

Okay, I've got the sunrise. I will go back to the village to charge all the batteries then prepare for the camp. I hope they'll like the shots I take. Prem drove his car carefully, he's been in Umphang for 2 days, getting as many shots as possible. He was given this project by his high school senior who worked in the Tourism department. They were in need of new shots and footage of Umphang. He entered the parking lot for his inn, Wow? Is there a group thing? So many bikes here? I guess they're going to hike and camp. Well, more people more fun then?
Prem went to his room, charging his camera batteries and loading his pictures to his laptop. Thi Lo Su waterwall and the trails along with the camp site will be his last area to cover in Umphang. He enjoyed this work and wondering if he can get an employment of the kind.
I better catch some zz, he stretched his arms, then moved to bed. In no time, he slept like a baby.
Outside, Wad checked his camera. He enjoyed taking pictures but when he was a senior in high school, he left it to study hard for university entrance test. Then he met Prem who loved his camera as well, they often went to get some shots. Had some moments during them as well but never said anything. I better charge as many batteries I have and prepare my memories.
If he was here, he'd be thrilled like a child on Christmas. He loves the nature.

Crystal was enjoying the trails, it was not as hard as she thought. She pointed everywhere that interests her, totally the opposite of her BFF, Summer. She hated to hike, although she can't wait for the waterfall. She'd been friends with Crystal since high school and she knew that she would say whatever it was in her mind although she'd admit wrong if it is wrong. That's what make her crazy about Crystal.
Jun walked along with Wad, his friend kept taking the view with his camera that he paid no attention to his surroundings.
Taw smiled when he saw his friend making sure that Wad is safe, Will Wad ever realized it?
It seemed everyone in their group knew about Jun's feeling towards Wad but unfortunately the latter is so oblivious, he never catch the meaning of those signs.
"Taw, leave them. They'll be fine, maybe Jun finally found the courage to tell Wad about his feelings or not," Nui grabbed his boyfriend's hand, they followed the girls.
Summer chuckled, "He's not gonna tell Wad, he's too scared to tell. Besides..."
"Wad is too oblivious to realize it and he already had someone else", Crystal swayed her hips, she saw a picture of a man in Wad's phone one day and asked who that was. "He's a jerk, he yelled at me so many times but he's actually a good guy once you get to know him. He saved me once."
She wouldn't forget Wad's flushed face, he looked so cute at the time. That was when she knew, Jun or anyone else won't have a chance with him.
When they reached the site, Jun was not far behind, "Wad told me to go with you, since you won't know our spot."
They were in the middle of setting up the tent when Peer came over, "N'Jun, you got this? Or do you need any help?"
"P, we're okay. We're about to be finished then we're going to build a small fire", Jun waid his senior, he introduced his senior to his friends and told him about Wad.
The older man laughed, "Aaah, that is so Wad. Let him be, he might meet a junior of mine, he's also wandering around to find some shots and footage."

Prem had a lot of fun, he met his senior in university at the inn and took the invitation to the join his group. He helped in building the camp site, making sure they had everything before wandering around for more shots and footage.

If Wad was here, he'd be thrilled!, he smiled when he remembered his junior. He was in the middle of taking shots of the animals when he heard a whistle, This song!?
He went to find the source of the noise, he saw a young man with shoulder length hair squatted in front of a stump. "If that man saw you, he'd take some shots of you, he'd be fascinated by your age, you are definitely beautiful."

Wad was so immerse in the surroundings, he was stunned when he saw a tree stump. It was old, but there was some young leaves growing at the sides. "Please grow again and be a bigger stronger tree."
He was about to stand when someone called his name, "Wad?"

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