Chapter 3

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"Wad is not sleeping in our tent? Where have he been sleeping in? With the girls?" Taw saw only two sleeping bag in his and Nui's tent. It's been the third night of their trip. During the day, they all went together but when they returned to the camp site, Wad was always missing.
Nui put his finger on his boyfriend's lip, to silent him. He took his hand and moved towards the club's tents. They walked towards the main campfire, where Peer was sitting and drinking with Wad. "We are going to join them but I need you to go with the flow and not asking too many questions, ok?"
Taw could only nod, they went over, waid Peer then sit next to him. He wanted to sit next to Wad but his boyfriend sat and shook his head a little. His face lit up when he received a can of beer, "Ai'Wad, I've been looking for you, now I know why you're gone, there's more beer over here."
They all laughed, Wad saluted him with his own can. "Yeah, they have better beer than yours."
They chatted while mocking one another, but it was all harmless until a man came out of the tent behind Wad. He was a bit taller than Wad, bigger, looked a bit scary til he smiled softly toward Wad. "Your friends?"
"P, these are Nui and Taw, they are friends in campus. Taw is from the same faculty as mine but Nui is actually from engineering, they're our uni's male double", Wad smiled freely, this was the first time they saw it. "Guys, this is P'Prem, he's my senior in my previous uni."
Prem looked at the two newcomers, his brows furrowed, "Male double?"
The innocent looking, Nui nodded, "Yes, we're in the ping pong team in our uni, Taw is my double."
"Yes, he is my precious double", Taw went red in the face when he realized his words but it was nothing compared to Nui's flaming face.
Wad laughed at his friends, "They're partner in and out of court, P."
Prem understood now, he smiled a bit. His hand held Wad's hand, covered by his thigh, unseen by others. "That's good, finding your partner."
Peer cheered on it, "Yes, and never forget to tell your partner how you feel for them." The older man laughed, followed by his friends.
"Really, P? Still?" Wad lit his cigarette with one hand, it seemed his left hand is incapacitated. Prem grabbed his own cigarette with his left hand then ask for a light to Wad.
Nui and Taw wanted to look away but they can't, Prem lit up his cigarette using the lit end of Wad's cigarette. Peer was talking to another friend, he saw none of this but the couple next to him went ablaze with the intimate moment in front of them.
It was as if they are kissing!, Taw gulped his beer, he needed to do something otherwise he'd squeal like a girl.
Nui scratched his head, That's way more intimate than kissing. Damn Wad, I thought you're incapable of any kind of romance.
"How was Wad at uni now? Still looking for fight?" Prem grinned.
"Fight? He was so quiet, never had any fight", Taw frowned, they'd been friends for a year, this is the first time to hear about Wad fighting.
"P, that was because you kept making me angry", Wad pouted, he wore his glasses again. "You and your loud voice."
Prem smirked, "Well, I'm glad it did."
Stuffs were flying towards Prem after he said the words, everyone called him cheesy but Wad laughed happily.
"Wad, how could you take this man? He is sooooo cheesy", Peer laughed, his friends agreed with him but Wad looked happy. As long as you're happy, he can be as cheesy as he want, Wad. I'm glad you finally find the one who can lit you up.
"As long as it's for me, I don't mind", Wad replied quietly but Prem heard it and he's beaming.
"Tomorrow's the last day, then we're returning to the village. Are you going to take as many shots possible, Wad?" Some senior remembered Wad's purpose in this trip.
"Well, I'll try but I also want to enjoy the waterfall. So I might find some rock to sit and read", Wad tilted his head, thinking about the next day.
"Enjoying it by reading around it? Still, Wad?" Prem smirked, he knew how much the younger man love to read other than taking shots with his camera.
"You can join me but I know, you'd prefer running around so...", Wad snubbed his cigarette then put the filter into his portable ashtray.
Prem and Peer laughed loudly, because it was so true. Prem won't be able to sit still, he would run around doing anything and everything.
"Are you going to take the jeep back to the village?" Nui crushed his empty beer can before Peer gave him another can.
"Yes, I want to get a night's sleep on a bed. Then in the morning I'm going back home with everyone", Wad took Prem's beer without even looking, it was like there has been a long and deep relationship before.
"I'm returning as well but with a car", Prem turned his head, both men looked each other. Nui and Taw saw the silent conversation between them.
Peer stood, followed by the others, they went into their tent since there's another early day for them if they want to enjoy the daytime as long as possible.
There were only the four of them and another two or three people around the campfire. "Are you going to sleep as well?" Wad lit up another cigarette.
"Are you?" Taw stopped his hand from opening another can.
"I'll have another can", Prem held his can to Wad who opened it with his free hand.
You'll have another can then you're going to sleep, together, Nui finished the sentence in his mind. "P'Prem, where did you work?"
"Nothing solid, yet but I did some project here and there. This is also a project, I've been thinking of making my own thing. Being a photographer or making my own studio. I'll take it slowly, build my base", there was something different when he talked about his plan, the man talked with pride.
"You can do it, P. Su su", Wad nodded, his hair went down and covered his face.
Taw gulped his beer again when he saw Prem brushed Wad's hair, he was so gentle. Nui's eyes widen when Prem whispered something in Wad's ear, he figured it was something even more intimate when it seemed all theblood rushes to Wad's cheeks.
"So how long have you been together?" Taw could not believe himself, he actually covered his mouth with his hand after saying the words. Nui face palmed himself, My stupid boyfriend.
"Day 1 of this trip?" Wad looked at his senior, "Wasn't it?"
Prem nodded, he finally lifted his right hand to embrace his boyfriend. "We've known each other since hazing but then it was someone else's stage, I felt bad to steal people's attention. I thought I'll wait til the situation got chilled but it seemed their drama was supposed to go for another sequel and another..."
"Are they still having drama?" Wad cut the sentence, he had the same feeling with his boyfriend about not wanting to steal people's attention.
"You know Arthit and Kongpob, they'll always have their drama. Aaaaaand, you have to admit, my cheesyness is nothing compared to Kongpob", Prem grinned, he remembered feeling embarrass when he heard Kongpob being cheesy to Arthit.
"But you were in a relationship, before this?" Nui's curiosity got the better of him, he saw Wad did things that the usual him would befuddle to see.
"A junior senior relationship, yes. The same relationship as this? No."
Taw and Nui wanted to ask some more but Prem stood up, "We're going to sleep now. See you in the morning."
Wad took care of the beer cans, he was his usual quiet but the aura emitted was different. "See you in the morning."
The infamous male double waved their hands and walked away, "Has Jun found out?"

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