Chapter 2

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Wad opened his laptop and started to check the shots he took earlier in the day. He joined Prem and the photography club this weekend, they're at Cha-am. Visited Khao Nang Phanthurat park for some short hiking trails since the weekend is meant for nature shot workshop.
"Wad, you got good shots?" A hand squeezed his shoulder before a soft spoken voice by his ear. "Do you need to get more shots before the day ends?"
Wad's ears were red, he shook his head. "No, P. I have enough."
Prem sat next to him on the bench, together they checked on the photos taken by Wad. During the whole time, unconsciously both sat closer to each other. "How do you like it? I mean this trip."
The younger man smiled and nodded his head, "It was good."
"Just good? I saw you actually, literally gawking when you saw some views," Prem laughed, he took his phone and showed it to Wad, "Isn't that you?"
Wad was about to deny when he saw a video of himself, opening and closing his mouth while standing on a cliff. "Whaaat? That was just once!"
The older man lifted his brows, he opened another video of Wad doing the same thing.
"Hey!" Wad grabbed the phone and started to swipe the gallery, he smirked when he saw its contents. Prem took his phone back, his face was so red. "Well, P'Prem, thank you for taking so many pictures of me. I'm flattered."
"Well, you should be. You're not supposed to know but you should know that I took them with careful consideration," Prem smirked back, his eyes were so bright. Both boys watched each other closely before laughing. 
"Agh, I feel so loved right now," Wad closed his eyes and held his left chest, tried to do an impression of Toota. 
Prem laughed til he cried, "Please! No more! God, you did a really bad impression of Toota!"
They were laughing without a care that people were started looking at them like they're crazy. 
This is the first time I see you laugh like this, "You're gorgeous"
Wad stopped at once, his eyes were wide before a smile came on his face. "Thank you, P."
Prem's face was so red, as if he just gulp a glass of habanero sauce. 

Flashback end

Am I hallucinating? It's him? No?! Wad looked up from his position on the forest floor. "P'Prem?"
"Wad?" The man looked bigger seen from below, he tilted his head. God, am I dreaming?
The younger man stood, he reached out to the man in front of him, thinking that he would disappear but he met a solid body, solid and hard.
Prem felt a hand touches him, he suddenly grabbed the Wad in front of him. It's gotta be a dream, I knew it's a dream. But I don't care, even if it's a dream.
He kissed the younger man that he missed all this time, I should've told him about my feelings, I should've said so.
Wad was shocked, he thought it was just a hallucination but then the man in front of him kissed him. It took him a while to realize that it's real, It's P'Prem!
The kiss went deeper after Wad kissed back, it would've been further when their cameras hit one another. Prem stepped back, his face was flushed. "It's really you."
"P, what are you doing here?" Wad held on to his senior, he needed to be sure that the man won't disappear.
"I met my senior and joined him for a hike, I didn't know you'd be here", the older man smiled, he actually flushed. Unconsciously, he held on to Wad's waist, "How about you?"
"Some friends wanted to take a trip after the end of semester test, here we are", Wad touched Prem's cheek, there was some stubble there. "It's been a while, P. You look good."
There was a huge smile on Prem's face, he kissed Wad's cheek. "I'm glad we finally meet, I asked N'Kongpob where you live but he didn't know."
Wad's face was so red, he couldn't believe that he finally meet Prem and moreover, they kissed!
"No one knows where I live, I was not that social in our university", Wad ran a hand through his hair, he was so embarrassed right now. It's as if everything sink in, and his face felt burnt.
A watch beeped, Prem looked up, it was starting to dark, "We better get back, your friends might worry."
Wad nodded, he started to walk when Prem linked their fingers.
"Can we hold hands? Just until the camp site?"
"Ehm, P, we just kissed? I think holding hands is minor to that?"
They both looked down then laughed, Prem realized how silly they were. "If I knew that you have the same feeling as mine..."

They began their way back to the camp, "I was so scared that if I said anything, you'd be mad or explode. I don't want that, I'm sorry P."
"No, I was at fault as well, I should've told you. At least before you leave, I should've said something", Prem kissed the man next to him in the cheek, "I can't stop doing that, I'm sorry."
They smiled again, along the way they were silent but they felt whole, unlike the past year. Prem pointed to his tent, "I will be there with my senior, he ran with his bike club here, I promised to take some shots and footage of the club. I hope we can meet again."
Wad put on his glasses, he looked at the tent Prem mentioned and laughed. He actually dragged his senior to the fire near the tent, Wad waid his senior who was sitting in front of the fire, "P'Peer, thank you for your help."
"N'Wad! Your friends are by the side of the river", Peer was in the middle of lighting up his cigarette, he saw his other junior, "N'Prem, you've met Wad! I knew you'd meet him if you're wandering in the forest."
Both of them smiled when they answered, "Yes, P."
"Go get some rest, we'll start early in the morning", Peer gave a crate of beer to Prem. Both juniors waid their senior then left for Prem's tent.
"You know P'Peer?" Prem asked, he grabbed his laptop to copy the files from his memories. They sat inside his tent.
"I met him when I was still in high school, I used to race in the street but he got me to stop, joined the club, we took trips like this once in a while", Wad opened a can of beer, he saw the copied files. "Aw, P'Prem, these are beautiful."
They were sitting so close in the tent, Wad checked some of the pictures, they are beautiful. Unconsciously, Prem ran his fingers through Wad's hair. "I'm gonna say something cheesy, I hope you won't hit me."
The younger man pouted for a bit, he was about to ask when Prem kissed him slowly.
"You were more beautiful", he whispered, then another kiss next to his ear, "You have always been, at least for me."
"Well, you're right, it was cheesy", Wad went red in his face, he still couldn't believe it. He tried to looked down but Prem held his chin up, they were smiling. "But I don't mind if it's from you, P."
Their laughter can be heard from the campfire where Peer and his friends hang out, he smiled Good to know those two camera geeks can get along, I don't have to worry about Wad again.

Crystal was worry about Wad not returning but when she asked P'Peer about it, he said Wad had returned with a junior of his. He even showed her the tent that they went to, now she stood in front of it and saw her friend was kissing a man.
"Don't scream, that's the man Wad had been in love with all this time", Summer covered her mouth with her hand, "I was about to ask P'Peer about Wad when they showed up."
Both girls retreated to another spot, hidden but still able to see the tent where their friend is in. "What's his name?"
"I heard P'Peer called him Prem", Summer glanced at the tent, it was still open, people could see what's going on inside. "Was that his name?"
Crystal nodded, she knew this day would come but not this soon. "Jun is going to be so brokenhearted."
"I hope not, at least Jun hasn't told Wad about his feelings."
They nodded, they saw Wad went out of the tent. The thinner man pointed to the area where his tent might be, the bigger man held his waist before kissing Wad's neck. Wad blushed, some of his bike friends whistled and catcalled but not in derogatory term, even Peer joined.
Summer went red as well, she suddenly envied her friend. I want to have someone who'd treat me like I was everything in the whole world.
OMG! They are so cute!, Crystal really held herself not to squeal. What had just happened in front of her was way too cute for an ordinary junior senior love, it was obviously something deeper that went longer.


Hi all, 
This is my first FF, been dying to make one for this couple since the end of Sotus. 
This chapter is shorter than Chapter 1 but will tried to update weekly since I already have some chapters done, just need to edit.
Thank you


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