Harry Potter

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AU: Takuya and Nakayama speak English.

Bokkai, an old Hogwarts student, murdered by his own mom, has returned to Hogwarts, not a ghost, but in fragments of a soul.

The Sorting

"Ogata, Bokkai!" The sorting hat calls out, and chatter starts, among the teachers. "Didn't Bokkai Ogata die a long time ago?" McGonagall asks, "Yes, he did." Dumbledore replies, readjusting his glasses.

"Then, how is he here again?" She asks. "Shh..." Dumbledore hums.

Bokkai all walk up to the sorting hat, one-by-one, chatter started among the students, "How is he so tall?" "Why is he so short?" "Why did they all respond to it?"

"I don't like being crowded by so many people..." Takuya mumbles, Hayato meows, Yamada crawls, Kawamura trips over his own foot feet, stabbing himself.

"Ēyeh...We should help him." McGonagall says, "Do what you can." Dumbledore replies.

Kawamura gets back up and pulls the bloodied spear out, the crowd backing up some. Hakuni roars, causing some first years to scream. Kenta unconsciously levitates, Hatake grabs him by the ankle.

Kenta slips out of Hatake's grip and crashes face-first into a wall, breaking his nose. He gives a thumbs-up. "What is he?" McGonagall asks, "Half-demon. Half-angel. Apparently. From what he's told me." Dumbledore replies.

Kenta unconsciously levitates again, "Br'dy he', no' aga'n." He mumbles. He crashes head-first into a table, "Aishite~...Ē! 'M fī'e! F'w mi'or sc'āsch's, b'ōken no'e, 'ead būst'd in...'M perfēc'ry fi'e (Aishite~...Ē! I'm fine! Few minor scratches, broken nose, head busted in...I'm perfectly fine)!" He gets up an dusts himself off.

Yamada tries to stand up, but he falls again. Yamasaki somehow dozes off.
Nakamoto uwu's and pokes Yamasaki.

It's time for Potions, Hatake has to drag Nakamoto with a chain around the latter's neck (Because he didn't want to go), getting glances from other students, but not giving a shit. Teijo follows, and everyone else.
          Hatake bonks his head on lé door-frame, as so does Teijo. Poor Teijo bonked his head to hard and it popped off, similar to Gelamu- Wait, how did she get dragged into this? Never mind, back to lé story!
            He picks up his head, walks in, followed by the rest of Bokkai (Well, Yamada crawled), and takes a seat.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE I ALREADY KNOW THIS USELESS NONSENSEEEEE" Nakamoto whines, "Oh? Then how do you make an Alihotsy Draught?" Professor Snape asks, "First, you bring water to simmer in a cauldron! Then you coarsely chop Alihotsy Leaves and add them to the water. Let it steep for 10 minutes. Strain it and transfer all of it into a phial. Then let it cool!" Nakamoto replies, "Interesting...We don't even teach you how to make an alihotsy draught." "I AM 681, I SHOULD KNOW THIS USELESS CRAP!" "I don't...Actually, all I really know is Japanese ;-;" Takuya says quietly.

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