Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler

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AU: Bokkai are servants at the Phantomhive estate. Preferenced beforehand though. Takuya and Nakayama speak English. Takuya has a strong Japanese accent, Nakayama has a mix between Japanese and British, more of Japanese.


It was a normal day at the Phantomhive estate...

Keyword: was.

Bokkai arrive at the estate, Hatake walking into a tree, Nakamoto laughing at Hatake ("YOU LOOK LIKE A TREE!" Nakamoto laughs. "You look like a piece of shit," Hatake counters with a scoff. "OOOOOOH" Goes Kenta and Kawamura in the background), Yamasaki nearly dozing off midair, Nakayama flying around, Takuya just standing there (Poor sombrero boi qwq), Nishimura patting Takuya's head, Hayato lying on Takuya's shoulder in cat form(e), Tsubasa accidentally tearing Okamoto's bandages, Yamada crawling around, Kawamura tripping over a rock, Hakuni flying around, Rukai shooting the air, Kenta crashing in the background, Okamoto freaking out because he lost his bandages, and Teijo accidentally setting some grass on fire.

Meanwhile, in Ciel's study...

Ciel can't focus due to the commotion outside, so he turns around and sees Bokkai outside. "Sebastian," He calls, said butler coming in. "Yes, my lord?" Sebastian bows, "I'd like you to go investigate who's outside," Ciel requests. The latter nods and walks out the door to investigate, Ciel returning to his work.


Nakayama had tripped over Yamada and now they're in an argument, about Be careful! And It was your fault anyway!

Honestly, it was really both their faults. But it's then when Sebastian comes outside, causing Nakayama and Yamada to pause. "Who the frick are you?" Kenta asks, "I could ask the same," Sebastian replies, getting a response from Hatake, who has decapitated Nakamoto. "We're Bokkai Makkai Ogata, I'm Hatake," He points to the others individually, "That's Takuya, that's Nishimura, that's Tsubasa, that's Nakayama, that's Hayato, that's Yamada, that's Rukai that's Kawamura, that's Kenta, that's Okamoto, that's Teijo, that's Hakuni," Hakuni roars. Sebastian slightly sweatdrops, he looks over at Nakamoto's head being held by it's hair. "That's Yamasaki, and this is Nakamoto," He introduces each of them, Okamoto had his hands over his face, only for them to be pulled down by Teijo, causing him to scream. "Ah, thank you. My name is Sebastian. Now, could you please lower your voices-?" "Ah, sorry, no can do, it's natural for us to be this loud," Teijo interrupts, "He's right," Hatake states, leaving Sebastian wordless. Nakamoto's head sighs, "Would ya leave me alone now? I'll go off somewhere else to cut down a tree." He says.

          "Mind if we go in?" Kawamura asks. Teijo forms some fire in the palm of his hand and plays around with it, "I don't believe so, let me ask my master." Sebastian says, walking back in. Kenta crashes again, landing on top of Hatake. Once he realises that he landed on Hatake, he gets up, starts running, screaming like a girl. Hatake chasing after him.

Meanwhile, in the estate...

"What's all that noise?" Finny asks, "I don't know, but I'd sure like to know," Baldo replies, "I do too, yes I do!" Mey-Rin responds, "But, what will the young master say about it?" Finny asks, "I can't work with all that noise outside!" Baldo argues.

In Ciel's study...

Sebastian returns, "So, you confronted them." Ciel looks up, "I wouldn't say that, young master," Sebastian bows, "But, I got their names; Takuya, Nishimura, Tsubasa, Nakayama, Hayato, Yamada, Rukai, Kawamura, Kenta, Okamoto, Teijo, Hakuni, Hatake, Yamasaki, and Nakamoto," He adds, leaving Ciel to sweatdrop. "Also, they asked if they could come in," Sebastian adds, "I don't care...As long as they don't cause too much trouble," Ciel mumbled the last part, going back to his work.

          Sebastian bows, "Yes, my lord." And walks out the door.


Sebastian walks out the front door, Hatake finally catching up to Kenta and tackling him to the ground, Teijo finally gets the fire extinguished, and Okamoto is just crying (Poor bandage boi QwQ).

              "My master says it's alright, but please, don't cause too much trouble." Sebastian informs them, a bright light surrounding Takuya, Nishimura, and Tsubasa.

           When the light receded, only Takuya was present.

              Teijo snuffs the fire in his hand and they all walk in, one-by-one, Yamada being the last, actually crawling, and Hayato skittering like a cat. Sebastian follows.

Meanwhile, in the estate...

"Huh?" Baldo and Finny turn around, "The noise stopped," Finny says, causing Mey-Rin to try and listen, "You're right!" Mey-Rin says. At that moment, Bokkai walk in, followed by Sebastian, "WAAAAH!" Mey-Rin screams, "Oi, calm down, you needn't scream," Kenta says, which is followed by Okamoto screaming (OUR POOR BANDAGE BOI QwQ), causing Kenta to sigh. He turns around and tells Okamoto, "Shush, you haven't got your bandages, we know, but you haven't got to freak out about it!" Which is responded with, "BUT I LOOK LIKE A GIRL!"

         Nakamoto tries to sneak off, but Hatake catches him last minute and wraps a chain around his neck, dragging him back. The servants sweatdrop, backing away, "Oi! Where d'ya think you're going?!" Nakamoto shouts, causing the servants to scramble.

Hatake sighs, "Really?" He rhetorics, dragging Nakamoto into the direction the servants scrambled off in, "Baka..." He mumbles.

Meanwhile, with the servants...

"Bloody hell, talk about a first impression!" Baldo complains, "I'd like to know who they are, yes I would!" Mey-Rin says, "Hmm...I'd have to agree with Mey-Rin," Finny says.

Bokkai walk by, stopping once they see the servants. "How did they find us!?" Finny panics, and Hatake sighs, "Simple, we went in the direction you scrambled off in," Hatake explains, nearly choking Nakamoto.

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