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It's getting harder to me.

It's getting way too hard to control myself every time I see her.

I can hear my heart beating up when I see her.

I love watching her... because she is way too beautiful.

Her lips...

The way her skin shines,

The way she laughs,

The way she smiles,

The way her eyes shine every time she talks about everything she likes,

The way she just talks to me it's fantastic.

I just want to kiss her the way he does.

I want to hug her the same...

I just want to hold her.

Every day I wonder what it would be like if she just knew.

I wonder if it'll be like the movies always say it is, I wonder if someday we are just going to look at each other right at the eyes and we'll realize we have been in love of each other all this time, we'll laugh, we'll kiss, and we'll laugh more, It'll be perfect...

For a moment everything stops, and I get lost in that feeling, I get lost in the dream, in that joy I'm feeling... even though I'm flying way too high, even though it is just in my dreams, even though I know I'm being crazy, it just feels way too good, the idea just feels like heaven.

The mere image of her smile in my head makes me feel in the clouds, I just feel happy every time I start imagining her by my side, just laughing with me...

But then It just stops, at the end I realize I'm just daydreaming, no matter what that will never happen. I mean, she's not alone... She has someone... someone she loves and that loves her back... she is happy.

GOD! why does It have to be like this?!.

Why do I have to feel this?

I'm not sure of it, but what if... just IF... I do have a chance with her?

What if she likes me back?

I really want to believe it.

Would It be fair if I asked her to leave him? Will she do it?

I don't know, I guess I'm starting to feel desperate...

Everybody says it's time for her to know, and I actually think it's true. If she does like me then she'll say it... right?

But if she doesn't? She has to say it too... but...

Could I handle it?

Could I handle the pain?

Because every day that passes by I just fall more and more and more for her.

I'm feeling in love with her....

And because of that

I'm afraid.

I'm just too afraid, afraid she'll say no, afraid she won't talk to me anymore, afraid I'll ruin a pretty good friendship, afraid I end up crying, afraid she'll break my heart.

But even though I'm really afraid, I came to realize that I just can't keep going with this inside me any longer, I can't keep going with this uncertainty. Even If she doesn't like me, I need her to know what I'm feeling, I need it in order to move on, if she's supposed to break my heart, fine, she'll break it, but at least she'll know that I love her and I'll get to move on. 

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