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Few Months Before


-So... how are you feeling? are you excited? – Asked Luna, sitting on the couch, while changing again the channel.

-I'm fine I guess...- I replied, very vaguely, while I looked through my Facebook feed.

-Just fine? Really?- She asked surprised.

-Well, yeah... it's not that a big deal you know? - I tried to act calmed, but in fact I was overly excited, I couldn't keep it in.

It wasn't the first time we went out, we had gone out a lot since were best friends, but this time was different, it had been a while since we went out just the two of us, and actually the first time we went out since I've discovered I had a crush on him. Luna knew everything, and she actually said many times that he liked me too, I just didn't believe her... until he asked me to go out, just a few days ago.

I could feel her staring at me, just waiting for me to confess, but this time I wouldn't give in.

-Stop it. - I exclaimed.

- What?, I'm not doing anything... - She said just shaking her head and lifting her shoulders.

- You were staring at me... – I turned around and looked at her deeply serious.

-No, I wasn't. – She looked back mockingly.

- Yeah you were... I'm not going to scream you know?- I turned back and went back to my phone. She laughed.

- Please girl, I know you, if you don't scream while I'm here you'll end up screaming when you're with him. - I started laughing.

- You are being dumb... I won't okay?, I have to get used to going out with him, you know?.- I couldn't stop imagining what was going to happen at the date.

- Okay... if you say so... - She said skeptical, while standing up - I have to go now bro, my moms wants me to help her with the groceries, you have to tell me how it went though, maybe today's the day!.- I laughed nervously. Will it be?

I knew he liked me, but still, we could have this one date and what if he decides that he doesn't like me that much?, or even better, he could decide he does like me a lot and decides to ask me to be his girlfriend, which for a girl who hadn't had a boyfriend, not to mention a date, was a big deal.

-Stop, you are making me more nervous.... I wish it was though... - I replied calmly while taking her to the front door.

-Don't worry, he will ask darling. I love you, talk to you later. - We kissed goodbye, I closed the door and went to my room upstairs.

I still had to get ready, the date was in a few hours and I still had to take a shower, luckily Luna helped me choosing the perfect outfit for the date... I wasn't used to her style, I always liked using just a pair of jeans, a simple T-shirt and my favorite pair of Converse, but today she said that I had to try something new, make it more "special", like it wasn't special enough. So we (she) picked out a simple red dress, with a pair of black flats, a pretty heart necklace that my dad gave me a few years ago, the perfume I used for my sweet sixteen party, and just a little bit of lipstick and eyeliner. It was actually a pretty simple outfit, but still wasn't really me.

I went into the bathroom, put the hot water on, got undressed, and started showering.

I was really afraid and really anxious, I really liked Ethan, we were best friends for a long time. We weren't that close when we first met though, but through the years we became closer... one day we just started talking and realized we had a lot in common... and since that day we couldn't stop. We walked home together, we played videogames every afternoon just after school, we were together in every team and school project we could, we would hang out at my house and watch movies, but mostly what connected us was staying up late, just telling each other stories 'till we fell asleep, every time it was a different adventure, long nights telling the most unique and bizarre adventures anyone could ever imagine. In those stories we put a big part of ourselves and gave it to each other.

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