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"NO ONE UNDERSTANDS me, no. you're the only one i can confide into darlin'. i don't even need to lie to you, babe."  a masculine, baritone voice rang out lowly as the dark-skinned boy stepped off the school bus. his headphones dangled from either ear and disappeared into his pocket that was connected to his phone.

montero continued to sing along to the alluring voice that belonged to summer walker, and  continued his trek home, feeling the intense afternoon sun on his back, making him regret wearing his black hoodie. but it always seem to be cool all throughout the building, probably because it almost always hot or warm in atlanta. only time it was anywhere below 65 was during the winter months.

walking to and from home, alone, for two blocks, was always montero's routine. he didn't have a car yet, despite having a license. he didn't have friends, or even acquaintances, that were close enough to be offered a ride or to ask for one. he didn't have friends or acquaintances to sit and talk to during lunch, in class or on the bus. but that didn't necessarily bother him. he didn't like most people much anyways.

after five more minutes, montero finally reaches the gate to haven bridge children's center and he opened the large, iron doors, closed them behind him. he walked to the side of the building and took out his keys, unlocking the side door. usually ms. shanice would be around to greet him, but she was nowhere to be found.

he sighed heavily upon hearing the distant but rowdy voices of the much younger children who resided here. walking over to the kitchen to grab a snack, the increasingly loud footsteps of children neared him as well.

"monty!!" a little girl shouted cheerfully, using a nickname she had came up with. a small smile had crept onto montero's face as he turned around and crouched down to the girl's level, letting her tiny arms wrap around his neck. he returned the gesture and wrapped his arms around her small body.

"hey emani. wassup." he greeted her in his signature low voice.

"nothing! i'm playing hide an' seek with some of the other kids. don't tell 'em you saw me!" she explained in a loud whisper. playing along, he nodded his head and stood up to his full height and the little girl emani giggled, climbing into one of the empty cabinets.

grabbing a pop tart from the pantry, he walked up the long staircase and to the room that was away from all the other kids; at the end of the hall. he was the the oldest in the whole building anyway.

kicking off his shoes, montero slipped off his hoodie, revealing his plain white t-shirt underneath. he shuddered in satisfaction when he felt the cool air hit his bare arms. it felt great.

before slipping his pants off, he made sure his bedroom door was locked. them kids loved to barge in unannounced and it bothered him to no end. his room was at the end of the hall for a reason.

taking off his tight fitting, ripped jeans, he went over to his drawer and grabbed a pair of basketball shorts and a fresh pair of underwear. the ones he had on were becoming sweaty from his thighs rubbing together and generating so much heat.

montero slipped off his underwear and for a moment, let the cool breeze of the room hit his freshly groomed prize box, before putting on the new pair and then the shorts.

montero was born different and grew up different, lacking several things. in this case, he physically lacked a certain male part, this was part of the reason he was a 'loner' in elementary school, plus his lack of crucial social skills; he could never truly relate with people around him.

plopping down on the bed behind him a opened the plastic packet and broke a piece of the treat and popped it in his mouth. realizing he forgot to get a bottle of water, he groaned and got up from the comfort of his bed and back to the noise of everyone else.

walking sluggishly to the entrance of the kitchen, he heard ms. shanice's voice conversing with someone else's. a deep male's voice laced with a thick atlanta accent that seeped through every word he uttered.

making it to the kitchen, both people's eyes shifted to meet his own and when his eyes met the man's eyes, his heart stopped for a few seconds then resumed beating. he had seen him around school only but a few times, but this is the first time montero had seen him like this. up close and personal.

he believed his name was shéyaa.

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