𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏.

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DESPITE THE HUMIDITY that hung in the air, montero shrugged on a black, purposely ripped denim jacket over his plain white shirt. he pulled up his skinny black jeans so he wasn't sagging and slipped on his all black huaraches. it was a simple outfit but montero didn't care. he was comfortable and no one talked to him much about anything, let alone to point out something about his outfit.

the sky was a surreal mixture of orange and blue, as the sun rays peeked through the slightly ajar window.

grabbing his headphones, he plugged it into his black iPhone and put one earbud in one ear and leaving the other out until he got outside.

quietly closing the door behind him, he stepped lightly passed the other children's rooms and down the stairs, just as he did every morning. ms. shanice was in the kitchen playing her music, as she made large portions of food for breakfast for the other kids.

"mornin'." montero gave ms. shanice a simple greeting and she looked up from the crockpot and gave him a warming smile.

"mornin' baby." ms. shanice already knew that montero didn't talk much, and she never tried to push him to do anything he didn't want to. she also was the only person, besides his absent birth parents, that knew about his particular genitalia, or lack thereof, and that made her love him even more. she treated him like she birthed him herself and even though neither would admit it, it would be hard if montero were to be adopted; they were too attached to one another.

"you want some french toast?" she asked putting some on a plate.

montero set his bag down on the marble counter and nodded his head. he twisted his sort of nappy hair into little twist things as he waited for ms. shanice to put the rest of the food on his plate.

he hummed softly to a tune that kept replaying in his head and he eyed the variety of well cooked food that was being placed in front of him. running his tongue over his plump bottom lip, he picked up his fork, said his grace, and began to dig in, instantly becoming satisfied by ms.shanice's cooking. it always hit.

"mmm," montero groaned, also letting the woman know that she did a good job with the cooking. she grinned at him in satisfaction. "i'm glad you enjoyin' the food. now you betta' hurry up 'fo that bus leave you."

montero continued to chew, taking his time and he playfully rolled his eyes. "i got ten minutes. i'll be fine." his naturally low voice erupted from his throat. he took a sip of the orange juice that was next to his hand and continued to eat in silence as ms. shanice cooked for the rest of the children.

after a few minutes, he decided to start walking, since he didn't like to rush and he usually sauntered, not in hurry for anyone or anything.

putting his dishes in the sink, he gave ms. shanice a side hug and slung his backpack over his shoulder. 

"i'a see you." he said before walking out the side door.

"bye baby! have a good day!"

closing the door behind him, he walked through the mini garden that ms.shanice and some of the kids grew and took his time to the school bus stop. 

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