Author's Welcome!

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Welcome to my book! This is an x-reader insert book, with a twist! Instead of the typical, new-girl-falls-for-the-guy-and-vice-versa, we have (Y/N) star as an anti-social loser that the guy she likes can't stand. Besides, I'm sure a few of you are in this position or a similar one I'm real life. I know I'd still be a total loser if I ended up in the Soul Eater world *gulp*. Sorry if the person I made you to be isn't your thing, or you don't like some of the things I've made you like. You can always change it, say if a line in the story was that you wore a.. Idk umm a Sega shirt, and you like Nintendo or something else better, you could just pretend that instead of Sega, it said Mc Donald's or whatever you like idk that was a stupid example lol.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story. I'll try to make it different to other fanfics, I wouldn't want you reading the same thing over and over again ;)

Have FUN!
- Suni (・ω・)ノ

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