Chapter 87

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When you have too much worry stomping at your shoulder's, pulverizing the emotions, pain, and respite into a bond so tight that you start wishing for sleep to conquer those ill feelings. So it's a relief for a while at least.

I was rewarded with one. I had fainted last night after I emptied the contents out.

I slept.

But I woke up. Now untied, wide awake in bed I sat. With an untouched plate of food next to me. Cold and drying. I even refused to touch the glass of water despite the plea of my body. Draining of hydrants, and nutrients in general my stomach ached and so did my head.

Breathing shallower.

Body weaker.

The mattress dips next to me, I bring my knees closer to my chest. Embracing them in an angry grasp as i force my back to the bed frame. I refused to look at him as he sat beside. Stared at the pale wall as stoic as my frail vision could. It kept blurring occasionally.

"I am sorry"

My hand clenches. I could feel the sharp edge of nails aggressive against my palms.

"Shut up" I whisper, the word repeating inside my head in circles. How dare he? Apology?

"Look" suddenly he yanked my head, weaving his fingers through my hair, he holds me so that I faced him. startled I watch him, breathing on mute, shick apparent "-you can act stubborn all you want. It's a trait I love about you by doing so you are just going to make me fall for you even more"

Immediately I plant my hand on his chest, pushing him roughly I slide off . My breaths coming out in hard puffs.

Dizzy, my feet staggers. He gets up abruptly to help me as I stop him with a gesture of my hand.

"Stay away from me" i warn him, hoarse and much to my dismay. Afraid.

I don't know him.

I don't know anything about him.

He was crazy.

He is crazy.

His lips thins in displeasure. His concern and consideration vanishing as if it was illusion.


"Fine then. I may be here to protect you from harm" I wanted to laugh aloud. A sick mirth to make him realize just who I need protection from. Him. But what he said next, wiped away the entire of feistiness I was ready to topple him with. "Alex is out there unprotected"

Fear rips through me. I merely watch him, counting on cracks. Even the thinnest of symbol that will help my anxious heart. He can't do this. For god sake it was Nathan.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, my hands losing all its strength. Stagnant by sides.

Like a gust of wind a softness trespasses his eyes. Then it hardened. He was diplomatic, there was no space for care and honesty in his heart. His vile side was winning while the boy I now was dying inside.

Nathan needs help.

But so do i.

"I have stocked some of your clothes by the dresser. The water is warm. Help yourself to a relaxing shower and I expect the plate of food to be empty when I come back. That and-" his monotone commands halts as he looks away- the possible evening sunset casting an orange glow by his cheeks. How long? Where was I? Since when?

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