Chapter 23

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Soft and viscous phenomenon slithered across my thumb, I could sense something flocculent caress my palms but it felt quiet difficult to point it out as all I saw was Raven overcast.

It was like my lids were glued to one another as I struggle to tear it apart, and when I accomplish my vision, next act was an immediate train of curses accompanied by regret.

The scintillating abuse of sun rays upon my eyes irks my already plotting migraine as they intensify.

Slowly rolling over the side, the thin blanket falls to the floor as I sit up clutching my hair with both hands.

A tiny fuzzy brown figure now occupies the position where my skull rested few seconds back. On a closer inspection, the brown mini mass reveals himself as a puppy.

We both blink our lids and observe each other with no intention of harm or hostility. Plain exchange of nonverbal stranger's interaction.

"Shit" I curse when my subconscious ambiguously recalls yesterday's night.

"Woof" it replies.

"Shit" I come again. But this time a feminine voice answers.

"Stop corrupting braves mind, he has enough to deal with Noah's " instantly I trend my face in the direction and groan as a shift of nausea hits me.

Extremely unpleased and dressed for the day Elaine views me with a tight lipped frown and with a sledgehammer on my side?

An awkward silence circles the wind as I shamelessly leer at her as she climbs up on a stool and blows at the nail positioned in between her thin fingers.

"There's lemonade in front of you, drink if you want to feel better" her dry response causes another embarrassing memory from yesterday to dig itself out of a grave. No wonder she's pissed.

She starts hitting the hammer over the nail causing the house to echo with the deafening pulse of thuds.

With each slam, my cells on my head explode.

Maybe she's doing this on purpose, I made a mental note to do my best and not lie on her bad side.

I gulp down the lemonade, and pop the Tylenol she kept on tray with it.

I gave myself a few minutes to collect what I could present her as an excuse but decided against it as she was too smart to not see through my lies. Not that it was easy to come up with something while she was roaring over the house with that noise.

I walk and lean my shoulder over the wall and clear my throat, even with the small stool she stood on, her face was just an inch above my head.

She ignored me.

"I was -


"Elaine I saw your tex-


"I can explain-



Astoundingly, like lighting, she turned and looked down at me.


"You don't have to explain anything to me, Alex, I never asked for it" she vented, it was cold and distant like those times while I still exerted to crack her. The part of her I wished I don't have to see again. It makes me feel like I was back on square one but the next words proved me wrong, and boy did it made me jump on cloud nine, or ninety-nine even.

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