Chapter 50

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It blinked at me, though it wasn't scientifically possible to blink without eyelids, I swear it squinted its pupils at me. I returned it's gesture, executing the similar movement.

The claws on it's sides crackled like scissors when I raised my brows at his futile attempt to eject my nose which was safe on the other side of the large glass tank. The lobster, though it was impossible it appeared defeated. Dare I say it even looked sad.

Why would he not? I've been shamelessly checking him out since I stepped inside the kitchen which was about five minutes ago. Almost pressing my nose against it's temporary residence, not even bothering to give a shot on privacy rules.

"You like lobsters?" I turn, a surge of surreal vibe whirls around in air. As dramatic it sounds, but Hailey has that effect whenever she speaks. Which is equal to the times Alex makes wise decisions, that's quite near to never.

And it also isn't wise to think of him. Lobster is much more emotionally invested in me than he ever has.

"To be honest, I never tried." I shrug, watching her as she nods slowly, the attention still on the frosting of her chocolate cake that she has been baking from god knows how long. after we returned from the Tate's, the guest villa which was more of an modern day Victorian styled mansion with fire place, crown chandelier, wall detailing and décor sculptures that is bound to cost more than an average healthy mans kidneys.

The place reeked of extravagance and I, of sweat and tiredness. I basically jumped into the shower when I spotted the room that was to be shared with Riley. A silent pray of thanks to God. And once I was done scrubbing and washing away, I felt the weight of the day lift off me. With No room for contemplation or even much as a back thought of what took place I got under the comforter and sank into what I would call one of the best sleep of my life.

Now four hours later when I woke up, at this hour one would expect the atmosphere of sheer silence or people in preparation to wrap their chores up. But unlike when I stepped out, reluctant enough to not give a heed towards the idea of changing into rather something presentable then the pink sweatpants and white hoodie, I found the house bright with buzz and chaos.

Riley dragged me downstairs muttering something about the cliques mid night surprise for lee as still endrossed with post sleep syndrome, I just made that up. I nodded though I only grasped bits and pieces of what she said. Once down I went to the kitchen to have a glass of water when I spotted Hailey lathering the cream upon the cake. I offered to help but she waved a not required sign.

And since I wasn't needed, I began to focus my laser focus on the lobster, pulling a spare chair. It went on till it got bored of watching my face and initiated a failed attack.

"I forgot the gift wrappers, are there any London times here?" Clarissa walked into kitchen as she shuffled through cabinets. She frowned when her demands weren't met.

"You are planning to wrap his gift in newspapers?" Hailey asked her as Clarissa snorted. And I was amused to witness such normalcy among the people who were the future of multi billion dollars corporations.

"I am thinking about toilet papers" I bit my lips to stop from grinning as Hailey sighs.

"Clar, don't be so mean to him. it's his birthday. There are some items that could be useful, red satchel. Third zip" Clarissa rolled her eyes bowing farcially before jogging off. But I was too occupied as I analyzed the girl Hailey was behind all those polished blankness.

"so you surprise each other like this? On their birthdays?" she wipes the smeared frost from her fingers with the napkin as she turns once she's done, leaning her back against the counter she gives me a small smile.

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