Chapter 9

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It began in sophomore, before that I was nobody. Drowned in gloom and darkness, a loner fourteen-year-old new student in a hazardous school. An image of perfect society since I was not, I was bound to stand out like a sour thumb.

And I did.

Everything was stable and I was determined to get through this and out of it in four years. It was much to ask when you get somehow involved with Tyler Wren.

All it took was a night, an encounter, and my selfless bone which cared for humanity surprisingly even after what happened years ago. It changed everything.

He made sure my life was a living hell. Wait! Correction, breathing hell.

It started the very next week after that night.

The hate, the push, the humiliation engulfed me.

Surviving each day under the school became an everyday measure, the voices and whispers followed me wherever I went. The eyes on me were like a second skin. The hate, sadistically it made my future intention easier. I can't link myself to anyone, I cannot afford the strength to befriend that vulnerability again.

Two years passed, I managed to outlive those moments in a change of losing sanity, piece by piece.

And now two weeks into senior year, it was calm. Too calm which was too good to be true. Maybe just maybe they realized how worthless it was to spend their time on me.

But boy was I wrong. It was calm before the storm. A simple proverb with such honest and bitter implementation.

"Hey bitch, you smell like piss. Ever heard of the word shower?" Melinda's voice bloomed over the corridor as I heard students chuckling.


I smell like citrus. Whatever she inhaled was probably within her nostril. Oh, I wish I could say that to her face.

"Trust me, even thrift store will be disappointed to have a customer like her" another girl added giggling.

That was creative, I must give her that. But yet not deeply scarring.

I alternately turned when I realized I left a book on my locker required for the next class. I met a pair of legs intended to stumble me down. I fell on the tiled floor hitting my hips on the process.

I coughed a wheeze of pain. That was a pretty hard fall. My hair gathered by my shoulder as I squinted my eyes wincing.

"Woah" a few spineless boys hooted as they kicked my binder around. My eyes stayed glued to the black shoes in front. I don't have to crane my face to know who it was.

Tyler never misses an episode of Hate Elaine For Fun. Funnily he doesn't even require to tune in. He can binge-watch it anytime he aspires. I was indeed a Netflix.

Or a girl who was too far gone.

I got on my knees and stretched my hands to reach for the notes near me, The pair of very shoes I had been glowering on stepped on it, one at a dramatic time. Crunching the sheets cruelly and imprinting a dusty mark in the process.

I cringe, mere by the thought of the backup assignment resting on my locker which dare I say could bring me my first B ever. It was a grimace-worthy rough draft of the original grand copy, the very one taking its final breaths beneath Tyler's feet.

Sorry, I did my best to save you.

The apology was short-lived.

After a fruitless attempt of gathering my belongings and muting out the laughter, I got up.

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