Chapter 52

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"Are you ready?" at Edmund's query, gulping in the little moister into my dry throat I glance at the broad, grandiose door way through which the people from a community and society which I could never even dream to have a life like walked in, proud, confident and powerful.

The cameras exploded when each couple or an extremely important figure strides past by.

I lift my Eyes to meet Edmunds, who was already watching me intently. He was someone whose visage stood out even in the hordes of hundreds, appealing, demanding and dynamic. And I was a girl whose mere existence was a silhouette of flawlessly weaved lies.

This place, these people and this life reminded me of everything that is not me.

But after finding my voice that was buried under all the inner commotions, I answer him anyway.

"I am way more prepared for a zombie apocalypse then this" at that his lips parts to reveal a toothy grin.

"Relax" he says grabbing my shoulders and pulling me slightly to his side "It's not like I am going to leave you alone in there. Gotta guard the most beautiful and precious presence of the night" he ends it with a wink but breaths a cough of pain when my elbow hits his waist.

"That's a reflex to cheesyism" I smiled sarcastically at him as he rubbed his side. The others were already inside leaving us both, more like me to gather my senses. I needed to calm my nerves down before stepping in.

"okay my lazy, if you are done meditating can I have the honor of escorting you to this, what I desperately hope to be a phenomenal bash?" rolling my eyes at his over exaggerated pretended British accent, biting my lips I peak a glimpse as the flashes that bursts mercilessly on someone's face, pouting but determined I narrowed my eyes.

I can do this.

On it's own accord my fingers curled over Edmunds arms, feeling the ripple of his muscles at my touch. When we passed the heinous and frenzied reporters and cameramen darted their focus in our direction, I ducked my head, letting the loose strands frame my face as I clutched the fabric of my skirt with the free hand.

It was surreal, the sensation of so many lenses on your face, recording your move, your intentions and with it some way or other what you think or feel. It was worse than eyes.

When the fervent chaos ceased, I felt my feet take the last of step on the grandiose outer stair way. But still my gaze were glued to the ground, as I watched the concreate gamble in to a shimmering mosaic floor. The soft music from the piano fills my ears and the air around me goes ten times less restraining than out side. I look up to see the colossal hall, decorated with the austerely aligned flowers that looked like natures best apparel. On the sides perennially arranged were the tables and seats, the waiters mechanically carried around the savouries apt for the people with such high caliber.

The fountain on the top of a extravagace central stairway with a statue in the middle was high lighted with golden hues. And for a moment I was jealous of the sculpture. It had nothing to do, except to stand and look pretty

"I would hire a personal camera man if you will hold me this way every time someone takes a picture of you" immediately I untangled my grasp on him, blushing furiously I look at Edmund who had a gentle smile on his face.

"I get it, you swallowed a book of pick up lines this morning" I pat his shoulders supportingly, pursing my lips as he laughs.

"At least I am not infatuated with a lobster, I saw you talking to it during breakfast" I frown as he raises a brow, beaming like a man who just landed in Vegas after a successful divorce. But I was worried about his inferior behavior about some one who had become my solace and sanity keeper from past two days here.

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