What just happened?

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(Smol warning from Author-Chan here, this chapter contains a few curse words. And by that, I mean actual curse words, not fluffing and shiz.)

(~3rd POV, leaned towards your side~)

Welp, once again you and (F/N) were in the car driving towards the S.U.N.S.H.I.N.E. institute, luckily enough (F/N) had managed to stay sober, so they were the one driving today. You actually showered today since yesterday you weren't prepared to suddenly be thrown into one of the biggest workplaces in the city, actually, the biggest workplace in the city. You were still wearing your beloved hot-pink hoodie though. You weren't gonna wear it for a day and then throw it in the laundry with the actually dirty clothes.

You just kinda stared out the window, watching the rain fall gently onto every surface around you. The only thing you had on your mind was trying to find the reasoning as to why (F/N) wouldn't talk about the situation with Fresh. The only reason you were so bugged by this is that it felt like they had to keep it secret from you. Which almost never happened because... Well, they were your best friend. The person who should be able to share everything with you and vice versa. They wouldn't even tell you the reason as to why they didn't want to talk about it.

If it was something embarrassing then (F/N) would normally tell you as if it was a funny video they had seen. (F/N) wouldn't have such a negative reaction to anything Fresh-related if that was the case. But with the visible cringe and silence that came up whenever you talked about Fresh, it's almost as if they wanted to forget that night on purpose. "I'm overthinking this..." You thought to yourself. "Man, two nights in and I'm already questioning if moving here was a bad idea... Just my luck..."

(F/N) looked over at you a couple of times from the drivers' seat, trying to see when was a good time to speak up, so far it would seem like you just needed space, which (F/N) could respect. Still, you thinking to yourself while looking out of the window leaving the car in silence might not be awkward for you, but it certainly was for (F/N). But all (F/N) could do was focus on the road and try keeping their mind clear, that was their tactic for when they were driving anyway...

You didn't notice when the car stopped, so (F/N) had to nudge you gently to get your attention. You turned to look at them, and they gave you a sly smile. A clearly fake sly smile. >>I'd get out off the car and head to the main entrance right now if I was you, unless you wanna wait for me outside the car and get completely soaked.<< (F/N) said, trying their best to put on a sarcastic attitude. You smiled slightly and chuckled as you opened the door and let out a small "Whatever dude", which made (F/N) roll their eyes playfully.

You quickly ran your way to the double doors, trying not to get soaked as your eyes once again scanned the building and the optimistic text written on the glass. "This tour better be worth it!" you thought as you pushed the doors open. Immediately you were met with the welcoming warmth of being out of the rain, and immediately you notice that the place was almost empty compared to yesterday. The line of cubicles were full though, every person sitting neatly at their computer and writing down... Important stuff probably.

You see someone turn the corner from around the cubicles, his face buried in a small clipboard that he had a tight grip on. You could still tell who he was from the small triangle floating cat ears that were pointing towards the sky on his head, his oversized coat floating gently behind him as he walked, and his baby-blue hair and sweater. He started walking towards you, but his attention was clearly still in the clipboard. "Should I say hi..? Or maybe he's just gonna go somewhere else and saying hi would be weird? UHHHHHHHHH-"

You didn't have enough time to think before he stood a few feet away from you, just staring down at his clipboard. You opened your mouth to say something when you heard him let out a small "Ah.." as he was pointing to something on his clipboard and dragging his finger downward as if he was checking something. At that moment his head shot up to look at you, making you flinch and put on a shocked expression mixed with a nervous smile. His neutral expression turned into a soft smile. A smile that could make even the most anxious person feel calmer in a matter of seconds

Evil comes in both pink and blue (JSAB AU Blixer x Reader) {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now