Meeting 35

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Y/n: your name
L/n: last name

Y/n P.O.V.

I look up at the tall, intimidating stone building and lightly gulp. This is what you get, I scold myself.  At least before you had a place to stay that didn't look like some kind of prison! I sigh heavily and walk into the courtyard of the building, Stonehill School. I walk wearily through the crowds of whispering teens, all of them uninformed and proper looking. Which was odd, since this was a school for the underprivileged or bad teens of this world. When I walk up the steps that lead to the grand door, a slightly aged woman waits there for me. She has greying blonde hair, pulled into such a tight bun, it looked as though it must have hurt. She wore a uniform of a principle, and her lips were pursed.

"May I help you, young lady?" she looked down at me like I scum at the bottom of her shoe.

"Um, yes," I say, I clear my throat. "I'm Y/N, L/N."

"Oh, the one from the Orphanage," she said in boredom. "You'll be in in room Thirty-five with 35."

"Excuse me?" I ask, confused.

"Go to the front, get your key, go to room thirty-five, unpack you belongings, and don't give your roomate a reason to hate you," she hissed. "Simple."
"Um," I mumble. "Yes ma'am."
"Now, off you go." She says tartly.
As I go to enter the building, I see a wild haired boy looking in my direction, he looks away so fast, I didn't see much of his facial features. I shrug it off as I walk through the big doors of the stone building. Despite the look of the outside, the building was much more modern and comfortable looking than I thought it'd be. The walls were painted light grayish blue, similar to the blue on the uniforms everyone wore, torches lined the walls and a lunge-like area sat in a corner. Grey, soft looking couches surrounded dark oak circular tables, each with a navy blue vase holding orchids. Ombré grey and blue pillows sat on the couches. People sat around them, eating, chatting, and studying. The floor was polished dark oak wood, with large soft grey carpets. I walked toward the lady siting at a desk, which held a computer and scattered papers.
"Name?" The woman at the desk asks, not looking up.
"Y/N, L/N," I respond simply. "Room 35."
The white haired woman types a few things down speedily, then handed me a key.
"Here you go," she smiles.
"Thank you!" I smile back. "Have a good day!"
"You too!"
I walk toward the small elevator and press the UP button. I only had to wait for a few moments before it opened, I clicked on floor 2. Suddenly, a girl rushes in behind me right before the elevator doors close.
"Heck!" She shouted. Jabbing the 2 button like a hundred times.
"Um," I interrupt the girls odd panicked spasm, reminding her someone else was in the elevator. "It's already going to level two." I explain.
"Oh," the girl looks slightly embarrassed, but gets over it quickly. "I'm 35, you are?" She has dark brown hair that barely reaches her shoulders, it has pastel pink, blue and purple streaks. She has medium toned skin and warm dark brown eyes. She wear a pretty pink tee shirt and over that light blue overalls, but instead of pants, it has short skirt. The overalls have a pattern of pastel purple cats, rainbows and stars. She wears simple pastel pink converse, almost matching my black ones. She seemed all together adorable.
"My name's Y/N, Y/N L/N." I respond, putting out my hand to shake her's. Instead she high fives me.
"Litty, my dude," She says enthusiastically.
"So your name's 35?" I ask curiously.
"That's me," she smiles so brightly, I feel like my eyes might burn out of my skull. I realize for the first time she has white braces. I feel immediate sympathy, since I have them as well. (If you don't, ignore this sentence.)
"I think I'm your new roommate," I explain. "I just got here, they said I was gonna be in room thirty-five with a girl named 35."
"Even more litty, my dude," She squeals, then the elevator door opens wide. "Off to room thirty-five!" She shouts, and I follow quietly behind.

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