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I walk toward the Mechanics room, wondering why the halls were so empty when an after school club was starting. I decided to ignore this, as I opened the door to Mechanics. It was empty. I look around and notice the exit door is open. I run through, alarmed.
"Leo?" I shout. "Anyone?"
At first there was complete silence, then suddenly, a huge metal dragon is landing in front of me. It's ruby eyes staring into my soul. I stagger back. The dragon lets out a puff of smoke. I fan it away, coughing. The dragon rubs its head against me.
"I figured he'd like you," a voice said, suddenly the familiar Latino was standing by my side.
"Leo!" I shout, and hug him, then immediately pull away. "You gave me a heart attack! I thought someone was hurt!"
"You mean you thought I was hurt." Leo smirked.
"Well, yes, but you count as someone," I mumble. "Don't make this weirder than it needs to be, Valdez."
Leo blinked, "Well, I'd be confused and weirded out if some hot Latino I just met had come flying out of the woods on a dragon."
"Uh, yeah, I do have a question or two about the dragon, Valdez." I chuckle. Stroking the dragons snout.
"His name is Festus, and no, I didn't make him, but I fixed him." Leo said.
"He's beautiful, Leo, just the fact that you could fix something like this..." my voice trails off in awe. The dragon makes some small clicking noises.
"Okay, now he really likes you for all the compliments." Leo told me with a smile. "But, I didn't fix him, not completely."
"He seems to be running smoothly." I say, confused.
"Well, that's not the problem, the problem seems to be the fact that he can't run for long, he gets worn out really fast." Leo explains.
"Let me take a look," I tell him, Leo obliges, opening up a panel at the back of his head. I dig around for a moment, "Found the problem."
"Really?" Leo perks.
"Yeah, there's a leak in the gas tank and a severed wire." I pull some duck tape out of my pocket. After I finish I hand the duck tape to Leo, "it's heavy duty stuff, you'll only have to change it, about, every week?" I estimate. "Might wanna check every day until we're completely sure." I glance at him, to see him staring at me blankly.
"You're amazing, Y/N." he says.
"What?" I ask.
"You heard me, I said, you're amazing, a genius even! It took me forever just trying to fix it, and you did in like, five minutes!"
"Oh, um, it's no big deal," I blush and look away. "I'm just glad I could help. But now you owe me again." I say with a playful smile.
Leo rolls his eyes, but he's smiling too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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Breaking Morse Code: A Leo Valdez x reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now