Episode |~| 4 : The adventures of stewy and Roger :Hanging with the strippers

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Adventures of stewy and Roger series

He opened his eyes and felt Mike's shoulder pressed against his belly , his right foot on Roger's face , his left foot on Linda's boobs and Sasha's face pressed against his boobs.

"Hmmmm , taste like lavender" Sasha moaned.

"Get off me sasha , I'm not your whore " stewy groaned ."how did we end up like this ?" he asked.

"Shhhhh" everyone hushed me and Begonia spoke " the cops are looking for us , this our hiding place".

Stewy puffed out some of Sasha's hair in his mouth and spoke " so how long are we gonna hide ?"

"Till the cops leave ." Roger said.

"We are tots-"

"Shhhhh" everyone hushed again when they noticed flashes of light and footsteps. The neighbourhood was quiet and they could hear rubber boots pry into the dirt.

" So how's it going , I see you have your dream job " Mike spoke.

"Yeah , I'm now a journalist , I'll resume work next month "

"Next month is tomorrow "

"What ?" stewy screamed " tomorrow ? I must have lost track of time , I'm tot's toast "

"Relax Starla , you got it " .

Stewy noticed Roger was silent throughout , so he turned to him , he was on his iPod.

"Sooo" stewy spoke " how about your gf"

"Gfs not gf , they'r fine " he smiled " wanna be one of em ?"

" You wish " stewy said.

"Sure you don't want one of these abs ?" He took off his shirt.

"Uhm" stewy blushed in shades of pink .

"Starla Hamilton , ever since I set my pair of eyes on you , I knew you were the one "

" How about Ur sluts "

"I could break up with them if that's what you want" he flashed a sexy smile.

" Hmmm , not quite ". Stewy removed his top and bottom. make out session began , forgetting about Roger .they pulled up on the driveway , then he and Roger stepped out of the Jeep.

"Bye Mike " stewy waved.

"Bye hot stuff " he blew kisses

"Oh oh Cynthia Goedhart " stewy said " I'm so lovestruck.

"Oh Starla Hamilton , " he mimicked " it's written all over your cute face " .

"Natalya , did you know tomorrow is work ?" stewy asked .

"No work is next month " he looked confused.

"Tomorrow is next month!" stewy showed Roger the 2014 calendar.

"That's impossible...we must have lost track of time "

"Speaking of which , what's the time ."

"3:41 am "

"I gotta go to bed !"

Stewy rose from his deap slumber around 7:37 am and leaped from the bed. Roger was sleeping like a baby , snoring like a fat pig.

Stewy quickly showered , took out a formal look and hit the road , with make up kit in hand."Starla Hamilton , you're late !" Mrs levinton announced.

"I know and I'm really sorry , it won't happen again I promise" stewy pleaded.

"Out clubbing ?" She asked


"I also party , but I do it at the right time ".

"Ok so where do I start " stewy asked.

" Start on my head " she said in sarcasm. " You must not screw up cos its live and direct "

" I promise to do my best Mrs levinton " Come with me " she said , and took stewy to a room full of gadgets , she gave stewy the briefing " now Starla Hamilton , here's the news for today in hard copy , you also have a telepointer , so don't screw this " she said and handed him the paper , some dudes did him a quick makeover ,and he was ready to go.

" The pet stores in Nebraska are closing down fast , blocking all entrances and unnecessarily sueing companies for large sums , because of the alleged scum , refered to in the streets as the Psycho pet killer who goes around putting poisonous substances in their food and water , he has been identified as Matthew Lowell " the news sounded all too familiar , after casting , stewy met Mrs levinton.

"Uhm , could I have a word with you ?" he asked .

She sighed " make it snappy ".

" It's about the news , while casting , it sounded all too familiar , I think it's stale news , and we would look like total Idiots delivering stale news " he said .

" Wow " Mrs levinton clapped "Bravo , Claudia Jefferson you have been doing your home work , this proves that you watch the news , I'm so impressed , I tell you it is stale news , no one else but the magazine will see that , it was just to see how well you cast "

Thanks Mrs levinton " stewy said and mentally patted himself for a job well done..

" Your next assignment is to find out more about the pet massacres and report back to the magazine , as a journalist you must love to ask questions , you must be nosey and ready to lay your life on the line for information " Mrs levinton said.

" So does that mean I'll be heading to Nebraska ? " stewy asked.

" No ! , You still have work to do " she said.

" Then how do I figure out what's going on in Nebraska , from Miami ? " stewy asked in frustration.

" It's your job Starla Hamilton , figure it out ." she said , before leaving.


Stewy was pacing around , trying to figure things out , while Roger was on his phone , taking selfies with snapchat , he sighed.

" Roger. " stewy called calmly " can you please listen to me for a sec ?"

" What do you need girlfriend ?" he asked , not taking his eyes off his phone.

Stewy yanked the phone away and threw it out the window "oh my phone ! " he yelled " how could you , stewy ? That was a gift " . he pouted .

"I'll get you a better one Roger , just help me figure out what to do " stewy said.

" What's the problem again ? " he asked.

"See ? You weren't listening to me !" he rolled my eyes." I need info from Nebraska about Matthew Lowell , the Psycho pet killer ".

"And you need me because ?..."

"Because I need you to figure out how I can get info , without leaving Miami " stewy said with so much worries in me .


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- Ms endive.

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