Home, And Her Eye..

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"I'm home" Usagi shouted, but then she almost fell over when her little brother Shingo threw himself at her. "You're okay!" Shingo shouted. "Of course I'm okay, just some scrapes!" Usagi said. Her parents came running into the room. "Honey you're okay!" Ikuko,her mom shouted. "We watched what happened on TV,that weird mist started hurting people!" Her mom said. "We're glad you are okay!" Kenji, her dad said. "What's that on your eye.." Her mom said. "W-What this?" Usagi stuttered. "N-Nothing!" She said. Her mom gave her a stern look. "Take It Off." Her mom reached out, and took off the eye patch. She then gasped. "W-Whats wrong have you taken it o-" She stops talking as she looks at the eye patch in her mom's hand. She runs into the bathroom and looks in the mirror."W-What in the cosmos.." She looks in the mirror, and see's a blue eye, and a silver eye staring up at her. She closes her blue eye, and then see's pitch black, except.. there's a faint silver outline.. "H-Huh..?" She closes her silver right eye, and opens her left eye and sees normally."W-What..is that silver outline my powers or something..?" She peers out the bathroom door to look at her mom, and opens her silver eye."W-Whoa.." She says as she see's green roots in her mom, dad,and little brother. "W-What does that mean.." "Does everyone have it?" Usagi mumbled. She walked out of the bathroom, and listened to her mother and father worrying frantically over her. Finally, after they have determined that her eye doesn't hurt, they scheduled a doctors appointment for tomorrow. "Finally, its over." Usagi said. "I guess I'll pack some stuff incase I get teleported randomly.." Usagi walks up to her room, and packs some clothes, sleeping stuff, Her communicator, books, her pink bunny computer, a charger, hair stuff, bathing stuff, Luna's food, Luna's bed, a picture of her Senshi, & one of her family, and 100090 yen (927.88 U.S Dollars),her Star locket, and.. her fallen senshi's weapons.. All of the sudden, Luna&Artemis hop through the window and they both exclaim: "Usagi You're Back!" "Where are the others, did you defeat chaos, why are you wearing an eye patch?!" Usagi's face turns sad, and she says, one question at a time guys!" "Fine!" Huffs Luna. "Did you defeat chaos!?" "Eh..well.." Usagi Says. "Y-Yes?" "Why does that sound like a question.." Mumbles Luna. "Okay where is everyone else, did they go home?" "I-um.. n-no.." Usagi's voice begins to shake "T-They're gone.. C-Chaos killed all of them!" Usagi yells out, and starts to cry. Luna and Artemis are stunned, and start to cry also. *One Hour Later* "W-Why are you wearing an eye patch?" Luna Sniffs. "In the battle, my eye got hit.. and.. I can't see out of it.. it's weird though, when I looked in the mirror at myself with just that eye open, I could see myself, but I had a silver outline around me.. "W-What!?" Luna Yells. "Y-Yeah I don't know how.." "Usagi, Time for Dinner!" Her mom called. "Coming mom!" She shouted. "Bye Luna see you in a bit!" Usagi Says.

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