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"Usagi,wake up!" Shouted her mom."I'm up!" Usagi shouted back.Usagi got dressed,and remembered what day it was."I-It's the day of the funeral.." She said,tears glistening in her eyes. "Luna what am I going to do.." She said. "Usagi,it's going to be okay.." "Just..get ready.." Said Luna. "..F-Fine." Usagi said,getting her funeral clothes on."Usagi hurry up and eat,we don't want to be late!" Said her mom."Okay!" She called,running down the steps,and grabbing her breakfast.

One Hour Later

"Usagi,we're here.." Said her mother softly. "O-Okay.." Usagi said getting out of the car.She looked at the graves of her loyal Senshi,and her beloved Endymion."I'll miss you." She said numbly.They did the ceromony,and Usagi walked up,placing flowers on all of their graves,lingering at endymions,trying to tear her gaze away from the coffin.She then felt something..A pulse deep down in her chest.Like..something was warning her.She looked at her phone,and saw the news livestream of a youma.Her eyes widened,and glanced over at her parents who were busy talking."I-I have to go to the bathroom." She said,her voice trembling. "Oh honey,do you want me to go with you?" Asked her mother. "Honey give her some time alone.." Said her father. "Okay..come back when you are ready." Usagi rushed off in the direction of the bathroom,until she was out of site.She took a deep breath,her body shaking,and took her compact out of her subspace pocket. "M-Moon..Moon Eternal Power, Make-Up!"

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